Claudine Fulton Ellis


Old Silver

Claudine Fulton Ellis claims to have found in an attic in 1944, an old Bible. In this Bible was a map, a letter signed by Thomas Jefferson Beall, and an envelope marked, "Not to be delivered until June, 1832" Claudine's sister witnessed seeing these things. The sister signed an affidavit, stating that she saw them. She (the sister) also said that Claudine kept them in the drawer of her (Claudine's) dresser for a short time before returning them to the attic.

Claudine said she made a copy of the letter that was in the Bible. She said she hid this copy behind a fireplace mantle, and when the family moved to another house, the copy was left behind, where she had hidden it. In 1993, a man signed an affidavit that in the 1960s, he and his mother found the copy behind a fireplace mantle. The man stated that he, his mother, and his brother all saw the copy of the letter. They had moved into the house where Claudine had lived.

Years later, Claudine went looking for the copy she had made. She found this family, and they told her about finding the letter behind the mantle, but had taken it to a college to see if someone there could make something of it. They were told the letter would be sent to a computer expert, but nothing else was heard of it, and the letter was never returned to them. This was all stated and signed in the affidavit. Later, Claudine discovered that the man with whom the letter was left had taken a job at another college, but later had been killed in an automobile accident. She spoke with the man's father, but could learn nothing on the whereabouts of the letter.

Also signing affidavits were a Roanoke man and his wife, who stated that the mother and the two sons (above) had discussed with them about finding the letter.
Many signed affidavits about Claudine's activities concerning her Beale (Beall) adventures are recorded in her book, "The Beale Treasure-The Key."

If Claudine had invented the "copy" of the Beale letter, then why would she go looking for it 15-20 years after losing it, and then another 30 or so years after that have the guy sign the affidavit? Her book was published in 2007. I really don't think she would have spent 60+ years planning and writing a work of fiction. I'm not saying I believe everything Claudine says in her book, and I'm not saying I don't. I will say, I believe the witnesses who signed affidavits.

Claudine Fulton Ellis has been categorized with the Hart brothers, but if you read her book you'll find that this is not a fair depiction. The Harts were involved in mesmerism, conjuring spirits. Claudine claimed that spirits communicated with her and led her to certain places, but she never claimed to conjure spirits, and she didn't claim psychic powers. Whether or not she was right about the spirits leading her, there's no reason to think she couldn't have found an old Bible in an attic.


Mar 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
In the BEALE PAPERS there is NO middle name, just Thomas J Beale-it was the Hart Brothers that presented a middle name, based on that initial- Thomas Jefferson Beale.
Hence the categorization with the Harts.


Old Silver

ECS, do not hijack another thread. I didn't make this thread to argue with you, so please take it somewhere else.


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Jun 1, 2012
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I myself have witnessed first hand some of things she has done. I sent her back to the mother's house in Roanoke, Va. to again ask about the Family Bible of Thomas Jefferson Beall. She said they still had the Family Bible but the letter was sent to Hollins College in Roanoke, Va. That is why I sent her back to the home. All though she never told me where the home was located. But, now about eight years ago the Family Bible to was passed on to someone else.

Claudine has helped the police find bodies of missing persons. One she told the police where a woman could be found back on a mountain. She described the location so well that the police went back on the mountain and found the woman's remains. Another case of a young black boy missing in Roanoke, Va. She was observing the police dragging a nearby pond or lake. She told one of the Channel -7 news men that they would not find the body in the lake. While she was talking a police officer came over and the newsman said he should listen to what Claudine had to say. She told the police officer that the boy was not in the lake as she was pointing to a trash dumpster. She told them that the boy had been placed in the dumpster. The dumpster was searched but nothing was found. Then the officers and detectives found out the dumpster had previously been dumped and they went to the landfill and dug where the dumpster had been emptied and covered over and found the body of the boy.

I have some of her gift but not to her level. My brother and I watched on television the news for five months or more about a woman missing up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. One day we was off work and went to the area where the woman's car was found and one of her shoes. Groceries were still in the car and the windows was down even though it had snowed several times. We saw large dog tracks all over the area around the lake but no body was ever found. I was dowsing for the woman's ring as she had a ring and necklace in a photo in the newspapers. I dowsed across the road from the lake where our car was parked. It was really step and with the dog tracks all over the area I told my brother that we should not go down in there. That night I telephoned the Sheriff's Office in Franklin County and told them where my brother and I believed her body could be found. The very next morning before 10:45 a.m. they found the body down the step ravine. The police canine vehicle was parked in the exact same spot as where we had parked our car in their photo in the newspaper. I told everyone at work we had helped to find the woman. They did not believe us and some called the Sheriff's Office to find out. The newspapers gave the canine unit the credit for finding the woman but no mention was made of us or our phone call to the Sheriff's Office. So after work I telephoned the Sheriff's Office and he said yes the canine unit found the woman's body so I asked about our phone call the night before she was found and he said he never got the message. Strange don't you think that the police had made several searches with the canine unit and never found the body for over five to seven months and then they find the body within hours after our phone call. But that is the way it works. Claudine did not get credit for finding of the black boy in the dumpster and later in the trash dump but I watched the news unfold and I know what she told me. It does not matter whether you get credit or not it is knowing you have the ability to do these things. Claudine is good at what she does and I believe her book. She also remembered some of the people that were members of Beale's Associates. I went several times into the mountains searching with her and she revealed where she believes the treasure to be located. It is in a bear cave on a rocky slope of the mountain, the top of the cave has fallen in blocking the entrance. On top of this small rocky cliff is a monument stone about five feet in height and about two feet by two feet. It just stands up there whether natural or not I do not know. But you can see it all over that slope and ridge. If Claudine is right about the treasure being there it would be expensive to find out. Landowner's permission and the price of heavy equipment or cranes to open the entrance. And it is in a difficult area to work. But anyway I enjoyed the hunt with Claudine.

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Old Silver

I myself have witnessed first hand some of things she has done. I sent her back to the mother's house in Roanoke, Va. to again ask about the Family Bible of Thomas Jefferson Beall. She said they still had the Family Bible but the letter was sent to Hollins College in Roanoke, Va. That is why I sent her back to the home. All though she never told me where the home was located. But, now about eight years ago the Family Bible to was passed on to someone else.

Claudine has helped the police find bodies of missing persons. One she told the police where a woman could be found back on a mountain. She described the location so well that the police went back on the mountain and found the woman's remains. Another case of a young black boy missing in Roanoke, Va. She was observing the police dragging a nearby pond or lake. She told one of the Channel -7 news men that they would not find the body in the lake. While she was talking a police officer came over and the newsman said he should listen to what Claudine had to say. She told the police officer that the boy was not in the lake as she was pointing to a trash dumpster. She told them that the boy had been placed in the dumpster. The dumpster was searched but nothing was found. Then the officers and detectives found out the dumpster had previously been dumped and they went to the landfill and dug where the dumpster had been emptied and covered over and found the body of the boy.

I have some of her gift but not to her level. My brother and I watched on television the news for five months or more about a woman missing up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. One day we was off work and went to the area where the woman's car was found and one of her shoes. Groceries were still in the car and the windows was down even though it had snowed several times. We saw large dog tracks all over the area around the lake but no body was ever found. I was dowsing for the woman's ring as she had a ring and necklace in a photo in the newspapers. I dowsed across the road from the lake where our car was parked. It was really step and with the dog tracks all over the area I told my brother that we should not go down in there. That night I telephoned the Sheriff's Office in Franklin County and told them where my brother and I believed her body could be found. The very next morning before 10:45 a.m. they found the body down the step ravine. The police canine vehicle was parked in the exact same spot as where we had parked our car in their photo in the newspaper. I told everyone at work we had helped to find the woman. They did not believe us and some called the Sheriff's Office to find out. The newspapers gave the canine unit the credit for finding the woman but no mention was made of us or our phone call to the Sheriff's Office. So after work I telephoned the Sheriff's Office and he said yes the canine unit found the woman's body so I asked about our phone call the night before she was found and he said he never got the message. Strange don't you think that the police had made several searches with the canine unit and never found the body for over five to seven months and then they find the body within hours after our phone call. But that is the way it works. Claudine did not get credit for finding of the black boy in the dumpster and later in the trash dump but I watched the news unfold and I know what she told me. It does not matter whether you get credit or not it is knowing you have the ability to do these things. Claudine is good at what she does and I believe her book. She also remembered some of the people that were members of Beale's Associates. I went several times into the mountains searching with her and she revealed where she believes the treasure to be located. It is in a bear cave on a rocky slope of the mountain, the top of the cave has fallen in blocking the entrance. On top of this small rocky cliff is a monument stone about five feet in height and about two feet by two feet. It just stands up there whether natural or not I do not know. But you can see it all over that slope and ridge. If Claudine is right about the treasure being there it would be expensive to find out. Landowner's permission and the price of heavy equipment or cranes to open the entrance. And it is in a difficult area to work. But anyway I enjoyed the hunt with Claudine.

I believe any of us can be shown things at certain times. I don't believe in psychics, and it doesn't appear that Claudine does either. I do believe in spirits, though I don't believe in communicating with the departed. But like I said above, that doesn't mean that Claudine couldn't have found the Bible in the attic in 1944, as she claims.

I sure would like to find that Bible and those papers.


Mar 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
ECS, do not hijack another thread. I didn't make this thread to argue with you, so please take it somewhere else.
How is my post considered arguing with you?
Just presenting a fact concerning the origin of "Jefferson" into the Thomas J Beale name.


Old Silver

How is my post considered arguing with you?
Just presenting a fact concerning the origin of "Jefferson" into the Thomas J Beale name.

I thought you said you were no longer going to respond to me. Did I misunderstand that?
If you were here to actually discuss issues, that would be great, but I know that's not your purpose.
Robert Morriss gave the man's name as Thomas J. Beale. The J. had to stand for something, and that was a common name at that time and place, so it's not unlikely that was his name. The point is, Claudine claimed to have found that name in an old dust covered Bible, and she was not the only one who saw it. That is separate from the Hart Brothers. I don't know where they came up with the name, but possibly they guessed it, because it was such a common name, who knows.


Old Silver

About the name Beall. The only name in the Beale Papers purported to actually be from Beale himself is the initials, TJB. Robert Morriss TOLD the author how Beale had signed his name. When you speak the name BEALE, it's the same as speaking the name BEALL. The Beale Papers doesn't say the author actually seen the ledger where Beale had signed his name, so evidently he was going by sound. Since there were quite a few people in Virginia that spelled their name BEALE, it's possible that the author simply spelled the name the way he thought right.

Then there's the list of letters left at the post office in Franklin, MO in 1820. There was mail for a Thomas Beall. Even for a Robert Morriss. Also for a Miles Hart. Was this a relative of the Hart brothers? Maybe they knew more than they told us. Just another possibility.


Gold Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Garrett ADS-7X, Fisher Two Box M-Scope, Mother Lode Locator, Dowsing Model 20 Electroscope, White's TM808, White's TM900, Inground Scanners
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All Treasure Hunting
I believe any of us can be shown things at certain times. I don't believe in psychics, and it doesn't appear that Claudine does either. I do believe in spirits, though I don't believe in communicating with the departed. But like I said above, that doesn't mean that Claudine couldn't have found the Bible in the attic in 1944, as she claims.

I sure would like to find that Bible and those papers.

Claudine said the family still had the Family Bible when I sent her there I sent her looking for the names that were in the back of the Family Bible. Claudine said they had been torn out and most likely given to the professor at Hollins College along with the letter. I could very easily find out the name of the professor but since Claudine already had spoken to his father and he said they were sent to some code breaker in Washington, D.C. We would never find out who the code breaker could have been?


Old Silver

Claudine said the family still had the Family Bible when I sent her there I sent her looking for the names that were in the back of the Family Bible. Claudine said they had been torn out and most likely given to the professor at Hollins College along with the letter. I could very easily find out the name of the professor but since Claudine already had spoken to his father and he said they were sent to some code breaker in Washington, D.C. We would never find out who the code breaker could have been?

We have the name of the professor, but like you said, Claudine already had spoken to his father, and he didn't know about the letter. It was the professor who told them about his friend in D.C. who was a computer expert, and could do something with the papers to make them easier to read. But then the professor was killed, and who knows what happened to the letter.


Mar 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
I thought you said you were no longer going to respond to me. Did I misunderstand that?
If you were here to actually discuss issues, that would be great, but I know that's not your purpose...
Was that really a response to you, or was it just a post of information, "discussing issues", similar to what others post?
Since you brought this up, what is this nefarious "purpose" of which you accuse me and why has it become an obsessive issue with you?


Old Silver

Was that really a response to you, or was it just a post of information, "discussing issues", similar to what others post?
Since you brought this up, what is this nefarious "purpose" of which you accuse me and why has it become an obsessive issue with you?

What you're doing right now, for one, calling me obsessive and keeping up a conversation that no one here is interested in.
Your "post of information" is nothing that we all don't already know, therefore, it's not useful information. And to keep it going is harassment to those who want to come here and discuss the beale codes without having to argue and fight. Now, back to the subject.


Mar 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
It is totally amazing how my one first post on this thread has caused all this ire from you, as you are the one is arguing and creating a faux fight. AMAZING!
All that is needed is Franklin to tag in this strawman rumble of yours.

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Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
About the name Beall. The only name in the Beale Papers purported to actually be from Beale himself is the initials, TJB. Robert Morriss TOLD the author how Beale had signed his name. When you speak the name BEALE, it's the same as speaking the name BEALL. The Beale Papers doesn't say the author actually seen the ledger where Beale had signed his name, so evidently he was going by sound. Since there were quite a few people in Virginia that spelled their name BEALE, it's possible that the author simply spelled the name the way he thought right.

Then there's the list of letters left at the post office in Franklin, MO in 1820. There was mail for a Thomas Beall. Even for a Robert Morriss. Also for a Miles Hart. Was this a relative of the Hart brothers? Maybe they knew more than they told us. Just another possibility.
There was ALSO a letter for Thomas Beale at Harpers Ferry, Va./W.Va., when Capt. Beale was indicated as TJ's son... BEVERLY (first born of TJ & Sally Hemings (known as TOM), in Larry C. Hinson's book, THE SECRET MISSION OF THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALE; he was writing a "follow-up" to that book, then died a few years ago. GREAT book! SOME errors... AND! Beverly/TOM was Captain of the boat, SYNIA!


Gold Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Garrett ADS-7X, Fisher Two Box M-Scope, Mother Lode Locator, Dowsing Model 20 Electroscope, White's TM808, White's TM900, Inground Scanners
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All Treasure Hunting
There was ALSO a letter for Thomas Beale at Harpers Ferry, Va./W.Va., when Capt. Beale was indicated as TJ's son... BEVERLY (first born of TJ & Sally Hemings (known as TOM), in Larry C. Hinson's book, THE SECRET MISSION OF THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALE; he was writing a "follow-up" to that book, then died a few years ago. GREAT book! SOME errors... AND! Beverly/TOM was Captain of the boat, SYNIA!

I thought a Capt. Richardson was Capt. of the Synia. I have a copy. I will look it up. Capt. Thomas Beall that was a common passenger helped a man by the name of Nash a cook. I remember that much of it.

Yes it was Captain William Richardson and assisted by a Mr. Donuhue. As well as a Major but the later two worked for the Mississippi Territory and only Captain Richardson was over the ship Synia. It was a flat he purchased and was named for his wife or his wife to be named Synia. Richardson.jpg

Also the book, "The Secret Mission of Thomas Jefferson Beall" was a book of fiction while William Richardson's journal is fact. The same goes for Claudine Fulton Ellis' book, it was written as fact and even had several affidavits to verify her story. Affidavits are sworn statements by others to verify that the deed did in fact happen as stated.

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Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
Well, MY copy of Larry's book is THE SECRET MISSION OF THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALE; has good "pics" in it, etc. We did e-mail each other, years ago...


Mar 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
I myself have witnessed first hand some of things she has done. I sent her back to the mother's house in Roanoke, Va. to again ask about the Family Bible of Thomas Jefferson Beall. She said they still had the Family Bible but the letter was sent to Hollins College in Roanoke, Va. That is why I sent her back to the home. All though she never told me where the home was located. But, now about eight years ago the Family Bible to was passed on to someone else.
... She also remembered some of the people that were members of Beale's Associates. I went several times into the mountains searching with her and she revealed where she believes the treasure to be located. It is in a bear cave on a rocky slope of the mountain, the top of the cave has fallen in blocking the entrance. On top of this small rocky cliff is a monument stone about five feet in height and about two feet by two feet. It just stands up there whether natural or not I do not know. But you can see it all over that slope and ridge. If Claudine is right about the treasure being there it would be expensive to find out. Landowner's permission and the price of heavy equipment or cranes to open the entrance. And it is in a difficult area to work. But anyway I enjoyed the hunt with Claudine.
Are you referencing the mountains above Buchannon, Virginia where Claudine Fulton Ellis claimed that the spirit of Thomas Jefferson Beale (Beall) led her to where Native Americans tortured and killed TJB and two of his party?
Also, I find it curious that Ellis first saw the "key" letter in 1939 and then again in 1947, but did not realize what is was with her gifted abilities until she read THE HART PAPERS in the 1950's. (The Harts were the first to use "Jefferson" for the initial "J")

NOTE FYI: A notarized affidavit does not confirm or certify the content information given, it only certifies the person signing the affidavit's identity.


Gold Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Garrett ADS-7X, Fisher Two Box M-Scope, Mother Lode Locator, Dowsing Model 20 Electroscope, White's TM808, White's TM900, Inground Scanners
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All Treasure Hunting
For everyone's information Claudine Fulton Ellis had affadavits about Thomas Jefferson Beall name being on the envelope by her sister thirteen years before she ever saw the George Hart Papers. So ooo


Old Silver

There was ALSO a letter for Thomas Beale at Harpers Ferry, Va./W.Va., when Capt. Beale was indicated as TJ's son... BEVERLY (first born of TJ & Sally Hemings (known as TOM), in Larry C. Hinson's book, THE SECRET MISSION OF THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALE; he was writing a "follow-up" to that book, then died a few years ago. GREAT book! SOME errors... AND! Beverly/TOM was Captain of the boat, SYNIA!

TJ's son by Sally Hemings is one interesting possibility. We've discussed him here before. Would certainly explain the dark complexion.

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