Top ten divorce lawer tricks (not mine, but a good read)


Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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Again, this is not mine, but I wanted to post it hear in case the other site 'loses' it. (permission to re post was given)

EDIT: the original creator of this post was probably very angry with his wife when he wrote this, and hence, probably put a lot of hate words toward females. Please try to ignore those, as the primary topic of this post is about lawyer tricks they play. I'm sorry if anyone is offended. It is still a great read for women and men, to not be taken by their soon to be ex's.

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OK, I am going to post this on here. I'd hate to think a guy got screwed in the few days it will take to put this together. I am not perfect, neither is this, but if you are married or getting a divorce, you need to know this stuff. I am not an attorney ( I have a heart and a brain) so consider this experienced opinion and not legal advice. Always consult a scumbag attorney so that they can get rich on your misery. I will add to this, as time allows, over the next few days. There are lots more than ten dirty tricks, but knowing these will give you an edge. I think ( I know women are lurking here) that if the other side knows we are wise to them, they may not be so apt to play these games. Good luck. These words are mine. If you repost this somewhere, OK, but use it in its entirety, please. Time to shine a bright light on "cock" roaches (pun intended). Also, if there is an issue, or I miss one that you got screwed with, let me know. Thanks

Top Ten Tricks of Scumbags Known as “Family Law Attorneys”

First, a disclaimer. I am not an attorney. I am not rich. I think screwing my fellow human beings for money is wrong. I actually care about decisions that tear apart families and traumatize children forever. For that reason, and because I am a decent human being, this list is not a substitute for “competent legal advice” {whatever the hell that is}. Use this to benefit yourself, your male children, your brothers and friends at your own risk. Most state family law statutes are very similar and these tricks are common in every jurisdiction. Give this to your attorney or use it Pro Se. This way when he goes golfing with the ex’s lawyer to discuss the case, they’ll talk about how it’s probably not best to screw with you. My apologies to the 1% of lawyers who are not lower than child molesters. Hasmat

1. The bankruptcy trick.

Here is how it works……. In the property division portion of the trial, the “wife” and her life sucking leach will let you keep most of your stuff. You know, your classic cars and motorcycles, toys, property in your family for years, etc. {don’t worry, she’ll throw out all the smaller mementos of your life, in violation of the temporary order, to make the math easier} In exchange, you have to pay the princess a cash settlement based on splitting all the bills due minus the assets each person takes. Sounds fair, right? --deleted-- NO! What happens is that, shortly after the divorce, pumpkin declares bankruptcy. Now guess who is responsible for ALL the bills. Yes, you. The nice part is that if you declare bankruptcy to get rid of those marital bills, your ex sweetheart’s cash payout is not subject to the bankruptcy proceedings. Your credit is now --deleted--ed and you will have to pay her the cash the judge promised her. They will seize property (including bank accounts), garnish wages, etc. in order to help out the former Mrs. X.

Solution: What you need to do is make sure that you put on the record, say to the judge during the trial, “Your Honor, I stipulate to the property division as put forth by Ms. _______ ,and her counsel, with the following caveat: In the event that a party declares bankruptcy within ten years of the divorce, that party shall not be entitled to any cash settlement from the other and any payments made as part of a cash equalization payment shall be returned by order of the court.” Then smile and shut up. If they pull this on you, you need to have this on the record. The judge can agree with this or not, her attorney will flip out that you are on to this trick and certainly protest. Let him make an ass of himself or herself. When they finish, simply state that “to do otherwise is to open the door for a future civil case of unjust enrichment and I realize the court is busy and may not wish to reopen this matter, under relief from judgment statutes, at a later time.”

2. The “Magical Order” trick.

You’ll like this one. You go to court and get basically what you want, justice. Then a week or so later you get a copy of the proposed order. Well, holy --deleted--, the order has things that were never discussed or ordered or has it just plain wrong. This is definitely NOT what the judge ordered. How did this mistake happen? It isn’t a mistake. The other attorney knows that these things are usually rubber stamped by a judge’s secretary and they aren’t going through the transcripts to see if the lawyer accurately wrote down what the judge ordered. The judge has lots of cases to handle. In most cases, he will not remember, and will take the “scumbag attorney” at his word.

Solution:A week before the hearing, or trial, submit a “request for audio recording” of the action. If it is denied, and it is a one party consent state, tape the thing yourself secretly. Once they know you are on to this trick, by your request for a recorded hearing, they will be more “careful” when they word the order. When you get the proposed order, review it immediately. You generally have five days to object before it is made final. If it is wrong, make sure you object. If your objections are overruled, let them know that “the audiotape I possess clearly shows the order is wrong.” Threaten to contact your States attorney ethics board if you are being ignored. Be nice at first. Never lose your temper.

3. The Disappearing mail trick.

You can trust the one who agreed to “better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health”, right. No. You can’t. You get something in the mail that says basically “hey, you failed to show up for _______ (mediation, court hearing, required appointment, etc.). Since you didn’t care enough to show, we bent you over the bench in effigy and ass raped you. Have a nice day and --deleted-- off.” You think “well, I never got a notice of that”. How could I get the ass rape letter and not the initial notice???? It just can’t be. Sure it can. Little miss innocent simply knew when the original notice was mailed and had someone (bad boy, player, thug) intercept your mail. What? That’s not fair. Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that she got a default judgment, or something else to her benefit, because you didn’t show. And now the judge thinks you don’t care. He will not likely believe someone tampered with your mail and you probably cannot prove it anyhow. And now he is pissed off at you.

Solution: Get a post office box. Send registered letters, return receipt requested, to the court, child support agency, ex’s attorney if she is represented (or her if she isn’t yet) and EVERYBODY ELSE INVOLVED that formally notifies them of this change. Do not say why as it makes you look like a whiner. Just do it. Do it as soon as the action is filed. Check this PO Box every day.

4. Keeping your Stuff.

After the divorce is filed, (OK, let’s be serious…after she files) you will be served with a temporary order that bars removing personal property, hiding assets, harassing the other party, etc. If she violates this order and cleans out the house, which her attorney will advise her to do, you will probably never get your stuff back. If you do this to her, after you get served with the order, you will possibly be in trouble if they can prove it. It sucks to lose all the stuff you paid for and spent years getting, especially if the wife never helped and bitched about you having all that stuff. Never mind the bitch has four big boxes of new shoes in the garage that you paid for.

Solution: First, let me be clear, I do not advocate breaking the law. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT, you will get into more trouble (sometimes it’s worth it). However, it really sucks that life isn’t always fair. Sucks for you AND sucks for her. Also, bear in mind, if she can prove that an asset was there and now is gone, it can be included in the property settlement if it disappeared in the YEAR before the divorce. So…..Seriously guys….. Most of us knew, or should have known, the divorce was coming. If you are married, and clean out the house, BEFORE you get served, it’s yours. She will have to prove that you have all that “stuff”. Hard to value it for the property division if it isn’t there. Use a friend you can trust and get a storage shed in his name and store “YOUR” stuff there. Get one a few miles away from where you live. Secure your documents (birth certificate(s), vehicle titles, insurance documents, etc) in a fire proof safe at a safe location. Her attorney will tell her to steal, oops I mean “secure”, them before the divorce. Do not give them the chance. Keep your mouth shut about this. If you are married, and less than 100% happy, realize you are on a slippery slope. Put your documents in a safe place NOW. The time, money and stress these missing documents will cause is staggering. That’s why they take them. In court, the phrase “your honor, I do not have any of the items that they are referring to” will be your friend.

5. Property values for the division

What will happen is that her attorney will assist her in placing a value on all of the property that will be divided. You lucky dog! Just think how much time this will save you. NOT! What they will do is assign a value to your stuff that is far in excess of what it is worth. Her stuff will, of course, be used junk (with a value of next to nothing). That heirloom diamond ring from her grandma is now cubic zirconium. The gold jewelry just gold “plated”. She may take crap jewelry to an appraiser to show “proof” to the judge. She’s likely had all your stuff appraised already. The result is that she gets money from value that they “adjusted”.

Solution: Save thousands. Make detailed lists of everything you both own. Return the favor. Everything you have is worthless crap and all her stuff is “really, really nice”. Use Ebay auction wins (only when it’s incredibly low) to show value of your stuff. Anything over $50, print it off for proof. Value all her stuff using “new” values, low miles, added accessories, etc. What will happen…..99% of the time, the judge will simply pick a number halfway between yours and hers. After all, once he gets done screwing you, he has a golf game. Probably with her attorney.

6. Justice. Equality. Fairness.

Ha Ha. No. You won’t likely see any of this. This is a myth to get you to participate. You are a slave to the government. They aren’t on your side, but hers. They are also on the side of the attorneys. It’s all about the $$$$$. You get the justice you can afford. Judges do not have to follow the law. If they screw up, and they do often, you cannot sue them. The best you can do is appeal the decision. It’s expensive, time consuming and, if your case is found to be flawed on appeal,….. All they do is to send it back to the original biased, corrupt and incompetent judge that ruled on it in the beginning. It’s doubtful he has had a change of heart, suddenly “saw the light”, increased his intelligence or is thrilled that you got his “higher ups” to review him and find him wrong. He won’t be happy to see you again. Remember, every dollar they collect in child support from you, they get a dollar from the bankrupt federal government. This money goes into the “general fund”. This is the same fund that pays judges salaries. Conflict of Interest? Sure it is. Anything you can do about it. Maybe, but doubtful.

What do they call the guy who got the lowest passing score on the bar exam? Your honor. Honor my ass.

Solution: The best one. Do not get married. Do not have kids. Ok. You really screwed up and got married or had kids. Now what? Relax. You are screwed, but getting an ulcer or heart attack only helps her. Keep your cool. The following is a way to minimize the damage. Whatever you do, unless you know the judge personally AND HE LIKES YOU, file a substitution of judge motion. Her attorney picked the one that he thinks will get his client the best deal. You have the right to one judge substitution for any reason. Any judge, other than their hand picked one, will be better, or maybe less worse. After money, the biggest factor in play is getting the judge to like you. Don’t try to kiss his ass. He will not be fooled and your tits aren’t big enough to interest him. Get a scumbag, er I mean lawyer, but explain to them what you expect. Explain to them that, if they plain suck, you will fire them. Can’t afford an attorney? That’s part of their plan. Now you have to do it Pro Se. This is called “screwing yourself”, but may be all you have. I fired my attorney and did better than he did by far. No alimony, no child support (now), joint custody (50/50 placement) and I owe ten grand in the property settlement. It took years and cost her parents thousands. I was Pro Se well over 90% and that cost me lots of time and less than $100. Get good info from your state statutes. Write down your argument in legal briefs. Have this filed with the court and submit everything to the Judge, her attorney and all other parties in advance. Do your homework. Never lose your cool in court. Stand up for yourself. Do not allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated. That overpaid buffoon in the batman costume is a man just like you. Always answer the judge directly in short {well thought out}, precise, one sentence answers. Hold up your hand, not over your head (this isn’t kindergarten) and wait for the judge to let you speak. Avoid slang terminology. Do not read the judge the law when he is wrong. Instead refer him to the law on page ___ of your brief. Sit in on a bunch (as many as you can) of divorce cases in your county, preferably not with this judge, and see how things work. If the judge ignores the law, he loses jurisdiction, and his order is void. If he does this, point it out POLITELY. You will need to appeal. Do the best you can. Smile. It will make the judge wonder what you are up to.

One important tip if you have to go on your own. Dress nicely and shave. Fill the courtroom with “your” people. Friends, relatives, homeless guys at $5 per head or whatever are great, but admonish them to say nothing. Judges hate to screw people in public. It gives them a bad image. Give some of these people writing materials and have them take notes. It may give the judge the impression that the press or other dignitaries are there. There are books on divorce for men. Get to the library and read them. Practice speaking in public.

7. The “Temporary Orders” Trick

What happens is that “cupcake” and her lawyer try and convince you to take less than you should in one of the hearings for a temporary order. The problem is there really is no temporary order. Most temporary orders are extended and amount to the final order. Sometimes they will attempt to convince you that this will be in the best interests of the kid(s) or that, by “playing nice”, it will look better for you at the next hearing.

Solution: Do not fall for this Trojan Horse. You need to be fully aware of what will happen. This is the time that “mom” and her friends and relatives will use to brainwash and alienate the children. Her parents will lavish them with gifts and help them remember every “incident” of abuse, stress, fights, etc. that probably never happened. Best advice….. never budge an inch when it comes to your children and your own best interests. It will make you look weak. Sharks can smell blood very well.

8. The lie of Imputed Income

Imputed income is a legal term for “--deleted-- you, we guessed”. What happens is that, in order to help spread your wealth to the ex, the court and her attorney will evaluate how much you make from tax documents and other sources. There are certain formulas the court “must use” in determining child support and alimony in each state. Legally, they must use these formulas. Realistically, they do whatever they want. One easy way to get around these formulas is to “impute” income to you. This means they give the judge a number and tell him this is how much you “could” or “should” make given your job, work history, location, experience, etc. Now, instead of paying 25% of $50,000 for support, you pay 25% of $100,000. In this example, this nets her an extra $12,500 each year. On the bright side{sarcasm}, you still get to pay taxes on this money you never made. If you do get an extra job to increase your earnings, you will likely get called back to court so that the initial scam can be increased. Refuse to pay? It’s called contempt of court. No due process rights and no sympathy. There is a federal law that, even if there is a mistake, they cannot go back to correct the amount of arrears. They will put you in jail. While you are there, you will be charged the regular amount of support due at 1 ½ % interest per month. They will suspend your driver’s license, any professional licenses and report this to all the credit agencies.

Solution: You really need to be ready for this one. Expect it. Come prepared for court with all your tax documents as far back as you can. It is very helpful if these are joint returns that she has signed. If they try to claim you are hiding income, explain that she has signed these returns, under penalty of perjury, and this IS how much you make and have made. They will likely mention an “innocent spouse exception” for the IRS and say she knew you made more than what you both said, but went along out of fear. Smile and laugh quietly. The IRS is worse than the court and will want a pound of flesh from her, too. Her attorney is aware of this and will then try a different tact.

Research case law in your state and supreme court decisions in this matter. It is improper for the court to impute income unless you shirk your parental responsibilities by hiding income or working less to avoid support. Put this case law in your legal brief. Make sure you are working at least a minimum wage job at 35 hours per week. If you do that, they cannot legally impute income to you. Make sure you say “I fully intend to follow the order of the court in regards to support, but can only pay what does not put me under the poverty level and what is consistent with the standard guidelines”. The only way to get this changed is with an expensive appeal, so remember to halt it in its tracks. This is generally done to self employed men. If you are self employed, take some time and get a regular job that pays the same for a while if you can. Sometimes another self employed guy who has been in the same boat can do this for you until you get the final order.

9. False “abuse” Allegations

You can count on seeing this bull--deleted-- if you are a man. You were mean to her, you were mean to the kid(s), you kicked the dog and choked her cat. Expect this. These outright fabrications will no doubt be written in some journal or diary, probably years worth written with the same color ink. What a crock of --deleted--. The times will be noted like this….. Tuesday, May 5th, 2008 at 4:07PM (it was cloudy and warm)…… Seriously. They will be so well documented because they are made up long after the actual NON INCIDENT. They are fake. Fabrication, unsubstantiated allegations, outright lies, invention and conjecture. Because it is more believable, allegations of sexual abuse will more likely be made if you were dumb enough to marry a single mother. Those are her kids and guess who they will side with in all of this? Don’t be surprised if the teen step-daughter you helped at every turn now says you spied on her in the shower. How will you prove you didn’t? Simple, you cannot. Any questions about who the judge will believe? Oh, they have some DNA that matches you that was found in her underwear. Impossible? No, too --deleted--ing easy. All she has to do is snag a pair of mom’s dirty underwear, put them on, and go down for the rape exam. You yelled, slammed doors and she had to get a restraining order because she feared for her kids and their safety. Even if these are your biological children, this will be used against you.

Solution: First, no matter what, never meet the ex to “talk” unless it is in front of a judge or mediator. DO NOT --deleted--ING DO IT!!! Never be alone with her kids especially if they are female teens. She says she signed off on the restraining order….. Really? If she did, the cops and court will notify you of that. Do not believe a word she says. Her attorney is even less credible than she is. Next, keep your own journal of EVERYTHING that happens. Never use threatening language or show anger. Be factual and accurate. Include the names of witnesses. If you can record her without her knowing, and this is legal where you reside, do it. Make sure you push her buttons, just like she will do to you, before you start recording.

As soon as you know what is going on….. go see a counselor about your fears regarding this vindictive woman who has threatened to do these things to you. Fill the counselor in on how she has threatened you and how you fear it will affect you and your children. Bring your journal where you have noted the details of these threats to “screw” you. If you have kids, bring them on the second appointment. Let the kids talk to her (or him) alone, right away, only if you know they can communicate without just repeating what their mom coached them on. This is a gamble because she was likely planning all this before you had any idea. Know the names of your child’s teachers. Talk to them at school conferences. Know the name of the primary care doctor your children see. You will be asked these things to determine how involved you are in your children’s lives. Know their favorite color and who their best friends are. Volunteer at every turn to work with kids in a safe setting (Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Cub Scouts, Youth Sports, etc.) It is even better if your kids are involved with these activities and impartial witnesses can see you interacting with them. Always note any and all activities you and the kids do. Most important, this is not the kid’s fault. You --deleted--ed up and married. Women use the kids as weapons enough on their own. If her attorney hand picks a guardian ad litem, get a different one (preferably from out of town). If there are police reports, get copies of them. Better for you if they detail her “crazy” behavior and not yours. Never lose your cool with her or the kids no matter how much she deserves it.

10. You Cannot Win

Your ex and her attorney will try to drill this into your head at every turn. They are against you. They will lie. The corrupt judge will ignore you and the law. The police do not care and are just an extension of the court. This is all in attempt to get you to give up.

Solution: Don’t get married and do not have kids. You cannot win, but you can minimize the damage. You can make them spend a lot more money than you do. If you lie down and give up, it just makes it that much easier to screw the next guy. Just remember, whatever it takes to be rid of the treacherous leach, it is worth it. A lot of men lose everything in a divorce. Let’s turn that around. No one can take your dignity, self respect and honor unless you give it to them.


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2007
Summit County, CO
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Some good advice there. I went through that. I probably deserved about half of it. They actually have a protective order, which if filed is automatically go to jail if you get around the ex. You leave the house with only basically what you have on, don't touch nothin else. I violated that the next morning, as I snuck back down and stole two blankets and my coat. (It was very cold out.) Never represent yourself in court. I did, and I actually won two times. I got drug into court for somethin every month for a year, and it never amounted to anything. I fought Oklahoma DHS for 10 years. (Department of Her Services) They outright told me they didn't care about me at all because I was a man. I ALWAYS paid my child support on time. They would regularly seize my income tax return and when I challenged it, they would back down, and say it turned out I wasn't really behind in my child support. They did not forward the whole child support payment to the kids. Some months they would get like 12 dollars, and maybe next month 800 dollars. I assume DHS was depositing the money and profiting from the interest. After raising hell all the way to the governor, I did get that stopped. We got them to stop saying 'Dead Beat Dads.' Thanks to me, if you call them, they will be more than happy to give you the phone number to their director. They have lawyers too. When I appeared in a hearing for not paying child support, which I proved I did, and the ex told them it was all a mistake, I thought they should do something about her signing that sworn affadavit saying I was behind in child support. She perjured herself or something. She got right in my face and said she was not there to help me, and if they could put me in jail they would. She also spit in my face while yelling at me. I told her to back up and if she was a man I would whup her a** right there. So the cops got called, and nothing happened. They did tell them that they pulled me in there on a false charge and should expect me to be upset, and they really needed to learn how to deal with people a little better. Sorry to rant. Divorces are never pretty, and I probably did deserve mine, but if I did it again, I will not try to be Mr. Go Along to Get Along.



Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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texastee2007 said:
Gee mike...some women are not blood suckers....very sad you must have picked one to feel the way you did...remember it is all about choices. Use your big brain instead of your little one.

Oh, I agree with you whole heartedly. I imagine this is just for the one-off crowd. It is NOT for the majority. Don't get me wrong, most women are absolutely wonderful, as are most men. I guess I just posted this because of recent events in my [friends] life... but yes, Men are evil SOB's too. I think, however, this post could also serve the female crowd as well. After all, a divorce is a divorce and we're talking about lawyers here. The original poster probably was jaded by his ex-wife and the post probably has a lot of 'women hate' in it, so if you can, just try to ignore the gender bias of this post. Still, it's very informative as to what goes on in the court system.


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2007
Summit County, CO
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White's DFX, White's Classic 1 Coinmaster, Nokta Pointer
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All Treasure Hunting
...and I'm sorry I went off into a rant about that. That time is passed. In all fairness, if anyone needs a good divorce lawyer, let me know and I'll hook you up with the ex, as she had a dandy one.



Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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RGINN said:
...and I'm sorry I went off into a rant about that. That time is passed. In all fairness, if anyone needs a good divorce lawyer, let me know and I'll hook you up with the ex, as she had a dandy one.

funny! But soooo true.


Hero Member
May 2, 2008
lots of good points made that the average person wouldn't think of or know about.


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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All Treasure Hunting
I was divorced in OKC while still in the USAF stationed at Tinker. I filled out an allotment for my child support that went to my ex. For some reason she got the idea that I owed her BACK child support, which was bulls---. She tried to claim that I owed her support from the period of time between her filing and the time the divorce was final, even though I had my money order receipts. LOL Anyway, she went the the DHS in OKC with her tale and, I was ordered to change the recipient from HER to the DHS in HER behave. She was also aggravated that the deposits from the government were usually at the end of the first week of the month and THOUGHT the DHS could get it into her hand ON THE FIRST of the month. :icon_scratch:
The way it turned out, DHS got the allotments and HELD onto the money until the middle of the month. LOL She got PI---- big time because DHS held onto HER money. She went down to the DHS office and lost her cool. She was cussing and fussing at the lady down there and the DHS called me and ASKED me (not ordered) to please come down for a meeting with the DHS manager. When that lady told me what had happened, I had to laugh in her face. I told her, SEE all us ex-husbands aren't a--holes; our ex wives ARE. She smiled and agreed. I went back to the base and changed the payee on my child support allotment BACK to my ex and I called her and told her not to f--- around with something that wasn't BROKE. When the DHS lady found out from ME that the government had been sending the child support to my ex all along, she was amazed the my ex was causing trouble for NOTHING. She put my ex on the SHORT sh--list from then on. LMAO They didn't want to ever see her or her new husband EVER again.



Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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Again, I posted this because people will get screwed. My own friend for that matter... went to pick up his daughter and as he was being handed his own daughter in the doorway of his ex wifes home, his own daughter said, "Hi UNCLE mark". This was the mother that made their own daughter believe that her own dad was an uncle. Fast forward 2 years today since that happened... That little girl hates to go back to mommies house. She LOVES daddies house. My friend is the best father that anyone could ever wish for a baby.


Silver Member
May 15, 2007
Southeast Missouri
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E-trac, Explorer II, Xterra30, Whites Prizm IV
Well just to add to this conversation.

November of 1993 I won full legal care, custody and control of my minor child, I'm a man. It wasn't easy to do.

My ex was ordered to pay $50 a month to me. The "mandated" amount according to Missouri Law at the time was $295/mnth. She refused to pay a dime, at one point having 13 jobs in one year to avoid paying it. After five years the law states they pay or go to jail. She refused to pay and didn't get a job for another year. The Child Support Enforcement office REFUSED to do anything about it. I finally went to the office one day and with a tape recorder in hand met with my case worker. She openly admitted she didn't care if I ever saw a dime. After giving the tape to my local State Senator and Representative as well as the local newspaper that person found themselves unemployed in a week.

Long story short, the Prosecuting Attorney called one day and asked what I wanted them to do. I told him "Do what you would do if the person owing the support was a man." She was served papers two weeks later to appear in court but two days before the court date the PA dropped the case, it was an election year. I did eventually get my son's support payments but it took 7 years of fighting the system to get anyone to listen to me. The money went directly to the care and support of the child so it isn't like I gained anything.

Sadly when it comes to divorce in this country 99.9% of the time the woman will come out smelling like a rose and the man will be lucky to escape with anything.

I feel very bad for anyone who finds themselves in this situation. Just remember when it comes to the point where a divorce is inevitable, you have NO friends and NO ONE is in your corner, not even your lawyer, unless you are very very lucky.


Bronze Member
Dec 25, 2007
mastereagle22 said:
Well just to add to this conversation.

November of 1993 I won full legal care, custody and control of my minor child, I'm a man. It wasn't easy to do.

My ex was ordered to pay $50 a month to me. The "mandated" amount according to Missouri Law at the time was $295/mnth. She refused to pay a dime, at one point having 13 jobs in one year to avoid paying it. After five years the law states they pay or go to jail. She refused to pay and didn't get a job for another year. The Child Support Enforcement office REFUSED to do anything about it. I finally went to the office one day and with a tape recorder in hand met with my case worker. She openly admitted she didn't care if I ever saw a dime. After giving the tape to my local State Senator and Representative as well as the local newspaper that person found themselves unemployed in a week.

Long story short, the Prosecuting Attorney called one day and asked what I wanted them to do. I told him "Do what you would do if the person owing the support was a man." She was served papers two weeks later to appear in court but two days before the court date the PA dropped the case, it was an election year. I did eventually get my son's support payments but it took 7 years of fighting the system to get anyone to listen to me. The money went directly to the care and support of the child so it isn't like I gained anything.

Sadly when it comes to divorce in this country 99.9% of the time the woman will come out smelling like a rose and the man will be lucky to escape with anything.

I feel very bad for anyone who finds themselves in this situation. Just remember when it comes to the point where a divorce is inevitable, you have NO friends and NO ONE is in your corner, not even your lawyer, unless you are very very lucky.

Raised four kids after my divorce, she bounced from job to job always got "hurt" blahblahblah. Wrote off $2500 in back support when the judge ordered it paid to me at $5 a month!? (was warned about contempt when I stated "if it was me at the other table you would be telling me to get a second job, is it her teets?)

I managed to keep the kids, house and a ten year old car, to this day she still floats from guy to guy and is again behind on support (a whoppin $292 a month, behind three grand), still managed to muddle through the crap divorce causes and did pretty good all in all. :wink:


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May 24, 2008
Nanaimo, B.C. Canada
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Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.

After reading that first post, I can understand a bit better why some guys would pick up a gun and handle things a different way.


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If you happen to be lucky enough to get a inheritance (from your parents, rich uncle, etc) Never I mean never co mingle that money, property or what have you. If you even pay a bill while married she will get half..after the divorce.At least in the Dem. state of WIS.


Bronze Member
Dec 25, 2007
onfire said:
If you happen to be lucky enough to get a inheritance (from your parents, rich uncle, etc) Never I mean never co mingle that money, property or what have you. If you even pay a bill while married she will get half..after the divorce.At least in the Dem. state of WIS.

YEP :icon_thumleft:


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Oct 16, 2007
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Yeah shortstack, been there and done that. The thing that bothered me about Department of Her Services was that all the workers I spoke with, all females, told me that they admired me, as they wished their ex-husband, who owed x amount of dollars, would show up for a hearing. I never was behind in anything, and I fought them sob's and their lawyers. I admire all y'all dads who got custody of your kids. To everybody else, keep your child support paid, and somehow come up with the money to get a lawyer, (as disgusting as they may be) if you ever have to go to court. Keep your mouth shut in there too.



Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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I applaud the government for stepping up to protect the children. This came about when dad's were largely ignoring their responsibility. Also, because women were considered 'stepped on' in the society at the time. However, today is different, women in my opinion, are no longer stepped on but for some reason, the idea that Males are always bad, had still retained it's mark at the top of the list.
I was born [and fatherless] in '72 and Mom never saw a dime of support. So, I know this new push is new. Perhaps the changing of priorities will be slow to fix itself as well. I have always heard that 'judges are NOT biased toward mothers', but I have yet to see it for myself.
A friend of mine had a child with a crack head, lesbian, deaf women. She learned to rely on the Government to pay all her bills. But, because she was a Mom, and because it didn't matter that she was busted for crack, as well as arrested for multiple other things, she was still granted primary custody (only to later be removed after lot's of money on my friends part). At one point, he had primary custody, and her secondary, and he still had to pay her 20% of his income, where it went straight to drugs.

Old Town

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Aug 18, 2010
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I just read an article online that said for the first time in history young women on leaving college are out-earning the boys. Something to consider for you young guys as you plan for your pending divorce down the road.



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May 15, 2007
Southeast Missouri
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I will say something rather sad but amusing happened this week. My Ex, who quit her job she was at for 7 years, to get another divorce and get a higher amount of Child Support from her new ex-husband, started drawing her unemployment. The DCSE garnished her Unemployment checks for payment on her back support and current support owed.

I know several lawyers on a professional level and I can tell you they all get trained the same way. Once the divorce is filed it's "all bets are off do whatever it takes to win". Protect yourself and do NOT give an inch in the process or they will roll over you and you will never survive the ordeal.

I stayed strong for my son even after having been in court 7 times in the last 15 years over this. To quote a favorite movie of mine "Never give up, never surrender"

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