
  1. Looking for a mentor in SE CT.

    Hey all. I live in Gales Ferry, CT. I'm extremely new to MDing and THing in general. I would love to go out with anyone who "knows the ropes" and learn a bit in the SE CT area. I have a Discovery 2200 and am looking at upgrading or building a DIY rig. Any help or pointers would be appreciated...
  2. Waz Up! From Central Virginia!!!!

    Hello everyone this is the Manamal from Louisa, Virginia joining the hunt! I have been drilling for 25 years all over the United States and have a very good understanding of geology and how things flow in the ground. Until now I have never wanted to dig around on my personal time(hehehe) but...
  3. Newb

    Hello, I am new to the site and treasure hunting. I have a couple questions I am hoping someone can answer for me. I got a Bounty Hunter Quicksilver detector and so far it seems pretty accurate. Then again, I have never owned a detector before. I was wondering what the difference is between...
  4. Coin collector just starting to fish the dirt.

    I purchased my Bounty Hunter Lone Star last week and have been out hunting about 5 times. First off, what is something you wished you knew when starting out this awesome hobby? Also, any tips you would like to share with a newbie are much appreciated. For the most part i've been sticking to the...