
  1. 1870's Tintype Found Hidden Inside Picture Frame

    I bought this framed picture of a fighter pilot for $1 at a church swap sale today: Opened up the frame later at home to see if there was a name or any other identifying information for him, but instead found this even older photograph hidden inside: The tintype is 8.5" × 6" and depicts a...
  2. Daguerreotype Matt Frame - 1850s - How Can I Fix It? - Bending Brass? RESTORATION

    Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Back in February, I was metal detecting on a hill in SOUTHEASTERN PA and stumbled upon a piece of bent up brass. I tossed it into the scrap pile and continued detecting. Two days ago, I found my box of scrap metal and decided to look through it. Im glad I did...
  3. Need help! Model and era of this jeep

    Any idea of what model and era this jeep is. Thanks yall.
  4. Old photograph where do you think they are?

    Found these photos with some other photos that I have recently posted. Thanks for all of your help with those. The last two pictures are from Traverse City, Michigan. I don't know where the first four pictures were taken. I do know that there were two families that communicated by mail...
  5. Train Photograph

    You guys are always much help. I have a few questions about this photograph. It was found in a drop front desk that on the back of the small drawer was hand written, "J. Carson New Almaden". I put a post up about a year ago about this desk. Anyway, what company do you think this train is...
  6. One more photograph and need some help

    This photo has hand written on back with the names of a few people and also, "Kingsley Fair". We are assuming that the Kingsley Fair was in Kingsley, Michigan. Was wondering what is going on with the people in the back. Any help is appreciated
  7. Another Photograph, what are these uniforms?

    I posted a picture last week and all of your comments/knowledge is appreciated. This photo was found with the picture I previously posted. I am assuming that this was also taken in Traverse City, Michigan. Does anybody know the reason for the attire being worn by these people in the parade...
  8. Need help identifying uniform

    Does anybody know what uniform these men are wearing? I am quite sure the picture was taken in Traverse City, Michigan. Thanks in advance for your help!
  9. Old photo , does it have a meaning

    Does anybody have any idea why this cabinet photo would have an inverted heart border. There is not an overlay on the photo, but it was developed this way. Thanks y'all!
  10. Old car photograph and trucks

    Who can tell me what make, model and approximate year these vehicles are. As always, thanks for your help!