
  1. Unidentified green gem

    I picked this up in a lot from an estate auction in North Carolina. I'm not entirely sure what it is I thought it might be Beryl but I think it could also be green Tourmaline I'm not all that familiar with the different types of green gems. It's 2 centimeters long and fairly clear I can't see...
  2. Tourmaline from Sweden

    Hi, I have just started collecting minerals and have been visiting a mine area close to where I live in north of Sweden. Thought I would share some of my findings with you. Would love to hear what you think, I don't really know what to expect to be a "good find" yet, as I just started this...
  3. Return to the Smoky Pocket!

    Hey y'all! This weekend I was able to get back to the incredible smoky quartz pocket I discovered last week. Considering the fact that we were still pulling crystals out of the pocket at dark last week, I had high hopes. Needless to say the pocket continued to produce. Although we did not...