Bill96 said:
Will you be posting at another site?
no at this piont we are closeing our research to out side sorces....
it will be 2-4 weeks before i can walk on my own again ,and my brother needs a heart op, so i see no reason to leave people wondering whats next for expedition 3 .. at this pont in time i just dont know ... we found sometyhing , we are just not sure if we have enough evidence to prove what it is ...and as i stated it will be at lesta year before we can finish the on site research ....
its a sad turn of events for us , but at this piont we have no choices round these events ...
you never know anyone can find something out there if it is there .... we noted 112 cars of hikes, NPS stated that was the most people every recorded there ...
the supersititions are becomeing a hikers domain and treasure hunting is becomeing a thing of the past there ... i talked to many people and they were all there for the hikeing trails ,many had no idea of the legends or what they were about ...
some knew a little about the legend and very little true facts ....
maybe hikers will over a legend ......sad but true ...
out of 112 car of people i was the only one i saw off the hikeing trails ,,.....