Some of my experiences...


Sr. Member
Apr 23, 2008
Auburn Hills MI
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MY ACE 250 JUST GOT HERE 5/07/08, also used a fisher 1220-x
As you guys know I basically stopped coming to the forum around the beginning of july I checked in from time to time but stopped doing much. I still metal detect but not as much (its winter lol) never found much but its fun.

My entire life changed on June 20th, completely. Since I was little I knew there was a higher power wasn't sure it was the Christian god but i knew there was something out there. I looked more to the science of things and as I grew up I began to hate "god". My life was hard wondering about suicide and other things I was only going further into depression. I was 15 in 2008 and life had gotten a little better I wasn't mad at god anymore after a kind of small spiritual awakening. It was enough for me to know in my heart something was out there.

on June 20th 2008 I had my first Astral Projection, I was just meditating and my soul just kind of slipped out I guess it scared the S*** out of me and I spent all night and day researching what happened. I found the term online and it all fit I realized what was out there and how everything changed from that moment. Many of the christian people I knew considered what happened to be demon crap and I knew it was nothing bad. I new from that moment on that my religion was my own, I believe what I am sure about and that was that.

I started experimenting with AP's and learned so much about myself. I met my spirit guide and my life got a lot better. I was certain there was life after death once I started meeting dead relatives. I spent a lot of time researching these types of things online and at other forums as well as my job.

It was about a month after that first experience when I had one of my most profound experiences. I was just online chatting with some friends when I had a vision of a old lady tripping in a forest, she couldnt get up thats when I remembered my dad talking about someone going missing in the state park (lots of woods) by my house. A old lady with dementia, I was freaking out not sure if this was what I saw, if the lady was alive or dead. Searched online and pulled up the news article and found a picture of the lady, it was who i saw in the vision. I then noticed how long she had been gone and knew she had passed. I could feel her prescense with me for a day or 2 and then she finally passed over and left me alone. That vision is stuck in my head and I will never forget I do plan on searching the forest this summer i don't know what if anything I will find.

I had a few bad experiences with spirits as time went on. I am not sure why spirits come to me some want to just tell someone something others are scared and know I can understand them. Its very frustrating at times and sometimes you just don't want to know the details or the visions they give you.

Some more negative spirits began to come around not sure why but I didn't feel fearful until one night when I had just laid down. I got a very negative feeling and a feeling that something was about to happen and something wanted me dead. I had a feeling that it was outside and I looked outside my window and saw just a humanoid type thing with horns and red eyes. Like a flash and then it wasn't there.

Another experience that came shortly after also happened at night. I was sitting in my living room at about 11PM when I heard this loud hit on the outside wall from the outside. there were a few other noises and It sounded like someone pounding on the wall. We have a ok neighborhood but sometimes it gets a little bad. So I grabbed the rifle in my room and loaded it and went out in the back yard and started slowly and quietly walking around to the side of my house where the noises were coming from. I got around the corner and didn't see anything there then a shadow caught my eye by the bushes. I looked over and aimed the rifle and this shadow figure looked at me and then just leaped right over the 5 foot tall bushes and into my neighbors yard. I ran up to the bushes but it was gone when I got there.

I have had more experiences but not enough time to post them all, ill post some more or answer some questions if ya got some. I have had so many experiences good and bad and truly enjoy my life more. Just to know something else is out there and to have experiences few people have and the fact that anyone can have them they just never try.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: If you were 15 in 2008, you are an INDIGO KID ("Google it"), and you will have MORE of these experiences, and there are other kids like you, known as PSYCHIC KIDS; older people will NOT understand you, BUT! At 57, and a STARBORN (VERY rare), we know and will try to encourage your
GROWTH in "spiritual" matters (NOT dogma religious matters). People born since 1982, are Indigo Kids/
Young Adults; Kids born since 9/11/2001 are Crystal Kids. You are on the correct thread, and so far, it is a GOOD one. :wink: :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup:


Silver Member
May 7, 2005
Saint Petersburg, FL
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Nokta Legend Pro Pack, Nokta Legend WHP w/ LG24 coil, Nokta Pulse Dive Pinpointer, White's IDX Pro (x2), Vibraprobe 570
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All Treasure Hunting
I've seen things before... things that clearly weren't of the physical realm. But I think it better not to mess with what you cannot handle.
I was also born in Nov of 1982... so I guess that makes me one of your Indigo kids... as well as a Scorpio....

Bran <><

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: Yes, it DOES; however MOST Indigo Kids have POSITIVE experiences, and are NOT fearful. Sorry that you had "bad experiences", and the ONLY way to UNDERSTAND something, is to investigate it. Sorta like being in a car crash; my dad NEVER learned to drive (was in a car crash, when he was "little"), and became dependent on MANY people to take him places. So, "investigating" is an option that MOST Indigo Kids take, rather than being fearful all their life. :wink:


Silver Member
May 7, 2005
Saint Petersburg, FL
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Nokta Legend Pro Pack, Nokta Legend WHP w/ LG24 coil, Nokta Pulse Dive Pinpointer, White's IDX Pro (x2), Vibraprobe 570
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I never said I was fearful... because I'm not afraid of much. I just think, though we may "semi-understand" what is going on around us, it doesn't necessarily mean we have any control over it... especially if it happens to be of a non-physical nature. And things we may have control over, such as being able to speak of things in detail before they happen, doesn't mean that there is a call or need to explore such things.

Knowledge has never been a thing to avoid... but knowledge & wisdom combined is what keeps a person from overstepping boundaries.

Bran <><

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:D Ya think yer old? LOL... '51 here. IF... you have had similar experiences like those stated in these "threads", you MAY be considered Psychic, Starborn, etc. DUNNO; what do you think you are? ???
SOME previous "research" has indicated people with O - blood are known as "marked"... DUNNO. Do YOU have experiences, YOU wanna share? ??? :wink:



Sr. Member
Apr 23, 2008
Auburn Hills MI
Detector(s) used
MY ACE 250 JUST GOT HERE 5/07/08, also used a fisher 1220-x
godisnum1 said:
I've seen things before... things that clearly weren't of the physical realm. But I think it better not to mess with what you cannot handle.
I was also born in Nov of 1982... so I guess that makes me one of your Indigo kids... as well as a Scorpio....

Bran <><

Ya its good not to push your luck to far with no physical things as you can get in a whole lot of trouble if you challenge the wrong thing. But I live by the "What does not kill me makes me stronger" Philosophy sooo ya I take the experiences that come my way as a chance to learn and learn from my mistakes. I wouldn't say I am fearful though right after some of the bad experiences I am, I find it more interesting. I had a spirit that always used to whisper things to me when I meditated. All nice and cool more of a bother when your trying to concentrate but better then the unruly ones I guess, one night I was almost done with it and the same spirit yelled "Men!" right in my ear lol maybe it was because i was ignoring her that night. Never heard from her again, I was a little creeped out by that experience because of the way she sounded, but now I look back and its funny as hell.

I looked into the Indigo thing, Starseed, Crystal children all of that and as I said above I take what has been givin to me, I dont really fit into any of the categories though I mean I am a bit of everything kind of.

Rebel I don't think just by the year of when you were born makes you a indigo or crystal I think that some of the people born in those timel ines are but not the majority. Still a large amount though saaaaay 20% maybe. It seems most just havent awakened. I feel something big coming to pass soon no not doomsday something good a change and I think it has to do with 2012. On to Aquarius! (I think that what were moving 2)


Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D :coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: I remember my experiences at your age; you MAY have misunderstood... I stated born since 1982; OR... since 9/11/2001; your "birth-sign" ALSO does not matter.
I agree with the 2012 "thingie"; I think it is MORE of a evolution of CONSCIOUSNESS... going to the "next level", so to speak. Similar to young men will have visions, old men will have dreams "thingie"... DUNNO. ??? :wink:


Bronze Member
Feb 19, 2005
Menominee, Michigan
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Rebel i feel that i pay attention to my spiritual side, the dejavu when i was younger, a couple ghost exp's, use to be really good at picking up on the police when speeding, one other thing not going to mention, havent had any exp. in many years, but when we were going to buy our house i made a deal that i wanted to rent it for a month before buying, just in case.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D Well... that's just it, Thompy, not ALL experiences have to be extra-ordinary; you had a "gut feeling" to
rent, rather than commit to a "long-term" investment of buying a house. There MAY be several reasons for you to rent... it COULD be: house is built on a burial ground, and would be "active" (SPOOKY!), or a "battle-
field" ( VIOLENT SPOOKY!), or a landfill (YECCH!)... DUNNO. Listen to your "SMALL, STILL VOICE". :wink:


Bronze Member
Feb 19, 2005
Menominee, Michigan
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no i rented because i had a ghost exp once at a house where i was choked, and didnt want to take a chance with buying a possible haunted house ::)


Hero Member
Jun 29, 2004
Somewhere in the US and probably in motion.
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Cache Hunting
Rebel - KGC said:
Similar to young men will have visions, old men will have dreams "thingie"... DUNNO. ??? :wink:

Might be the same thing from a third party view. Younger men with more flexible interpretations understand them as visions while us old geezers tend to write them off as dreams.

Same spiritual experience but 'culturally' interpreted differently by different age groups because of the environmental factors of their upbringing.

Spiritual sensitivity can and should be increased individually by study and exercise. Attitude has a great deal of impact on how an individual perceives - positively or negatively. It's much more pleasant to focus on the positive side of any situation, whether real or spiritual. Where there is room for interpretation a positive view helps each of us.

e.g. A drunk creamed the rear quarter of a truck I had purchased only a week before. Hit it hard enough that the right front tire of my truck came down on top of my neighbors car trunk (he was in his driveway, I was parked on the street). My final view of the situation was that the wreck had saved the drunks life. At the corner, in the path of his vehicle, was a two 1/2 foot diameter old elm tree. But for my truck the driver would most likely have been dead.

I (at that much earlier age) could have taken the negative view and bemoaned the fact that my new truck was mostly totaled, that the @#$%^&% no good etc. etc.. all stress and confusion.

Instead, I looked at the reality of the situation and decided I was 'guided' to park in front of my place to save his life. I did have room to park in my drive at the time, normally would have and now don't remember why I decided to put it out front. Still today, I believe I was instrumental in saving the mans life, and don't care why, I'm just glad I was.

Many of us have surely had somewhat similar occurrences. Some adopt a negative view while others take a positive view. The choice we make at that point effects how we live our lives from that point on. Some situations effect us to a major degree while others are quite minor. All of them do effect us.

Be a tool for good!


Bronze Member
Jun 7, 2006
Virginia Beach
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Garrett Ace 250
This is a very interesting thread....

We ALL have the ability to forsee, experience things we are not sure of, or can explain. We only use about 10% of our brain. Imagine what we could do if we used more of our brain and if we ALLOWED ourselves to let go and not be afraid of the unknown?

Rebel, that is interesting, about the Crystal and Indigo kids...I'm going to check that out.

I have a sister that dreams of things that are going to happen (I told her to NEVER let me know when she dreams of me!!! :thumbsup:).... sometimes she can't understand why she has some of her dreams and many times she just can't solve the meaning behind it.... we all thought she was nuts, to be quite honest, but events that occurred after some of her dreams made believers out of us!!! She was born in '62. She has kept a diary of her dreams and usually refers back to it if a dream is similiar to one she had before and alot of times, writing it down, helps her go back to try to understand her dreams.

I had a dream of my was just his face with numbers and letters swirling around him....never ever understood that, but the next morning (I was in Colorado going to school and home was New York City) mother called to tell me my grandfather died during the night! I have yet to ever understand that dream!!!

And the "gut feeling" or as women like to say "women's intuition"....I always go with my feelings (esp when it don't feel right!)

I'll have to keep my eyes out on this thread....this is very interesting!!!

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: Annmarie, yer sister had a PRECOGNITIVE DREAM ("google" it) AND! She is a STARBORN. Yer grandfather was trying to "tell you something"... an apartment in NYC; the numbers swirling around his head. Hmmmmmmmm... INTERESTING... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
MAY mean he was "in da numbers"... OR... running "numbers" for someone; did he "gamble"? Did he win BIG... and YOU gotta find da "winnings"? DUNNO, ask him in yer "dream-world", next time... :wink:


Bronze Member
Jun 7, 2006
Virginia Beach
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250
Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: Annmarie, yer sister had a PRECOGNITIVE DREAM ("google" it) AND! She is a STARBORN. Yer grandfather was trying to "tell you something"... an apartment in NYC; the numbers swirling around his head. Hmmmmmmmm... INTERESTING... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
MAY mean he was "in da numbers"... OR... running "numbers" for someone; did he "gamble"? Did he win BIG... and YOU gotta find da "winnings"? DUNNO, ask him in yer "dream-world", next time... :wink:

Well, he grew up around horses in Mankato, MN...his father was a Livery Stable owner, his grandfather (mother's side) was a wagon maker...all from German roots. Granddaddy, after doing a stint in the Army in WWI, worked for the MN Fairgrounds (found him on a 1920 census record)....he worked for the owner of the maker of Hanover Shoes (only shoe he would ever wear!) who also had horses (as according to my granddaddy). He worked with the horse MAN 'O WAR (got a pic of granddaddy and Man 'o War). Granddaddy was also a Jockey and worked out of Belmont Racetrack back in the 30's. He loved horses!!!

If he had any money, which I was told he Mom took it all...she was his only child. She was "robbing" him before he even died, we found out later!

But it's not about the money with granddaddy...he was my friend and I loved his company and his wonderful stories! He died at 91, in his 92nd year.

I just can't figure out the numbers and letters swirling around his was like a bust shot of him and he was smiling and the funny thing...his image was in B&W, but the numbers and letters that were swirling all around him in a circle...they were going clockwise...were in color?

I'll let my sis know what you said....something else to research :) Thank you!

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