Welcome to the Genealogy forum !

We already have a member probably all the way back to the Mayflower.

I'd posted a copy of my Great Great Great, Great, Grandfather's discharge papers from the Union prison. We knew nothing else except he passed in 1878 in a forest fire. A member here contacted me and asked a few questions. He got back with me with the details. GGGGrandfater was wounded at Chancellorsville and captured near Norfolk. We didn't know that, and Mom at 90 started the local museum at the library, about 20 years ago, and just retired when I returned home. And Mom didn't know it even though she took our family all the way to Edinburgh.

The main thing that helps in pulling things together is that monstrous knowledge out there of the members here.

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From the Mayflower and beyond!!!

Hi! A new newcomer! Joined two days ago. I love it here already!
I am directly descended from Edward Fuller on the Mayflower. He and his wife died in that first bad winter. Their children were raised by Edward's brother, Dr. Samuel Fuller. They helped establish Barnstable, MA, and more. They hailed from Redenhall, Starston, South Norfolk County, England. Ancestral graves are still there.
I have other Mayflower ancestors, notably John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. Both of my parents are descended from the Aldens!!!
Richard Warren is another. My Dad was named after him.
From Redenhall, I have been able to trace Fullers back into the 1300's. Other branches can go back to the 800's!!!
My father's maternal grandmother came from Germany near the end of the Civil War. Her father joined the Union Army almost as soon as he got settled in America. He was in General McClellan's signal corps at Harrison's Landing, VA. He was asleep when a soldier in the next tent was cleaning his rifle. It was loaded, discharged and the ball passed through and killed my G G grandfather.
I have more stories, but will need more room in a different thread.

I'm not a rich man, so I use all the free research sites I can find. I use FamilySearch, WikiTree, and others. It also helps that I found a cousin who is a professional genealogist! I found her, by doing my research. I found other relatives as well! And I found this site while 'hunting for buried treasure"!!!

If I can help anyone, in any way, I'm happy to try!

Welcome to TNet! I'm retired and my entertainment comes from Youtube and TNet, and getting out dreaming about treasure.

I'd been to other treasure hunting sites before I found TNet, and once I found it, dropped off the map at other sites. I'm so impressed even daily at the knowledge base here, unsurpassed, and I find new ideas almost every time I log on.

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