Who New that a Doritos Bag would Kill my Dog.


Jr. Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Hi All, last weekend are dog passed away from a Doritos bag, it was vacuum sealed around her neck. I found here but it was to late. Please help prevent pet suffocation by signing the pledge to put warning labels on chip bags, We need 5,000 signatures to move forward with the warning label. We need 191 more to get it done and we need your help. The Tnet community with their ability to network can really help this cause. No one wants to find their pet dead from a chip bag, cereal, or mylar bag, lets prevent the next sad dog story by creating awareness.. thank you so much......

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Here is the link to sign the pledge: https://www.change.org/petitions/frito-lay-add-pet-suffocation-warning-labels-to-your-chip-bags

I Truly think we can make an impact with your help.


  • zeta BC.webp
    zeta BC.webp
    44 KB · Views: 551
How can you get a vacuum sealed around a dog’s neck?

To have a vacuum seal, it has to be air tight (no air can leak threw the seal). A dog has hair on it’s neck and would not make a air tight seal.

Sorry for you loss, but did this in some way show up on your metal detector?

Please help prevent pet suffocation by signing the pledge to put warning labels on chip bags

Instead of a warning label,some common sense would do wonders.What you described is impossible.:BangHead:

How would a warning label accomplish anything? dogs can't read. On top of the fact that it is impossible for anything to vacuum seals around a dogs neck.

How is a warning label going to help? Dogs can't read. Sorry about your dog.

Jason, I was typing the same thought as you were posting:sadsmiley:

Don't we have enough of idiot labels on about everything (NOTE this is not directed at anybody).........seems to me that labels are pretty much worthless.....if you think and have common sense, you don't need them; if you lack common sense or don't think, labels won't make a difference and so why label everything.....
Consider for a minute if we decided to label everything that may happen, regardless of how remote......
There is the concept of personal responsibiilty...........where I live half the year (NOT the nanny state USSA), personal responsibilty is accepted...........you know what, it works.......drive off the side of the road in many places and you will get hurt and destroy your vehicle......people stay on the road.......it works.

I think what goldeneagle is trying to say is that the mylar type bags some snacks/chips come in, can suffocate a dog/cat if the animal puts their head inside the bag to eat chips. not that it is an actual air tight/vacuum seal, but similar to one. here is the webpage he referred to:


for your use as you see fit. (we are big animal people and have two dogs currently, have had dogs for most of my 66 yrs)

I have to say out of my whole life pretty much of being around breeding beagles and labs - this is the first i ever heard of a dog dying this way.. Sure it goes on though... We had a lab once that had a endless stomach!! One morning i woke up and Joey ate two cakes, 2 boxes of cereal and a bag of potato chips.. Sorry to hear about yours..

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Sorry about your loss, I would be lost without my German Sheppard. BUT, I do agree with the responses. A warning label will do absolutely nothing in changing a dogs behaviour. Pet owners need to be responsible for their actions. You leave an open bag of treats out, an untrained dog will go for it. You leave your dog off a leash, its going to get hit by a car. It's kind of sad the way people need to live in a nanny state these days.

First im sorry for your loss but..i see and hear so much from people who have some tragedy or issue that befalls them and instantly its a cry of foul play... lawsuits and petitions fly, people scream for satisfaction almost to the level of pitchforks and torches at the manufactures door. Why? Was it the manufacturers fault a dog got into the trash? Did the manufacturer not dispose of the bag or put it away properly? Did the manufacturer fail to come to the house and train the dog not to eat out of their product bag? Yet here we have people wanting a petition signed to force the manufacturer to spend money, time etc to make up a new bag to warn supposedly able minded adults to not do something so blatantly obvious. This country is too full of finger pointers and people who won't take responsibility. Also crap just happens you don't need to stir crap up just put your big girl panties on and live with it. While your going after the chip bag makers line up the zip-loc bag company and the trash bag companies oh and fire up a petition against the makers of dark chocolate since we know it kills dogs we need that written on the candy bar. Sorry for the rant im just sick of the cry babies of the world. Also to repeat what another poster wrote, what's this have to do with detecting?

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

We own a Grooming Shop, and have this story posted there.......................urban legend or true? Could not form an air tight seal, but upon inhaleing could close up. We have clients who think their dogs could read a warning lable!! A lot of times a dogs "smarts" are closely related to their owners!! Just sayin!!!

It's always sad when a dog dies, and they can die so easily, there is so much of trouble they can get into.

That's why mine are in a clean, dry kennel, with double chambered boxes, inside another building. When they are out, I watch them. Unsupervised dogs will get in trouble, it's just a matter of time.

Sorry for your loss, hard to label everything, good luck.

I'm always concerned my cats will eat a string or something and die. We spent one Thanksgiving day at the vet ER because that one stupid but beloved cat ate his cat toy. It was stuffed with cotton. Ate the whole thing. Animals can't read. It's a trash container problem essentially. And what animal doesn't love the trash!

...Hold on :icon_scratch:....So you are saying this is Frito Lays Fault? ...Im sorry for your loss...But i dont see WHAT you are trying to accomplish....Your dogs death has Nothing to do with Frito Lays...That would be like saying You want to put warning labels on the front bumper of Cars :icon_scratch:

The one that kills me is the big cardboard sunglasses in the windshield, used to shade your interior " Remove before driving"......................really?

How did the dog get the bag for that period of time?

Even if my dog could read he would still shove his head into a bag of Doritos... far as that goes if I didn't have any arms I would do the same too.. We both love Doritos.

Warning label will not make the bag safer. It should be perforated with hundreds of pin holes.

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