Who New that a Doritos Bag would Kill my Dog.

My take on it is different. ..I personally would not have expected that to happen and I think this person wanted to find a way to warn people...good for them!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

And thats cool...i wasnt trying to start shiii with anyone...I need to stick with the treasure hunting parts of this site..lol

I had a friend who had 2 little Shitzu's and when I was over at his house one day helping him with something ,I noticed his kids were feeding the dogs chocolate candy.I told him what would happened to the dogs if the children continued,he tells me that he's feed all of his dogs chocolate and nothing ever happened.Well the next morning I see him holding to DEAD dogs by their tails and he's placing them in the garbage can.I looked at him & said wow their dead ,I wonder what caused that?

Awful story! What an ignorant person! Some people should never have animals...makes me sick!
And garbage can too...uh!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Awful story! What an ignorant person! Some people should never have animals...makes me sick!
And garbage can too...uh!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Yea...That is a big lack of respect....Even growing up...Our "Outside" Dogs where always properly buried

Loggerhead turtles eat plastic bags that blow into the ocean.

They look like jellyfish.

It kills the turtles. It's disgusting.

Where are the warnings here, better yet, where are the ban's on these bags? How many of you use Wal-Mart plastic bags?

Fish, pelicans and a host of other wildlife suffer because of the 6-pack plastic can holders. Where's the ban? Where's the warnings?

How many of you are guilty?

it is almost impossible to be not guilty on this issue...
no paper or plastic choice...
being safe and simple towards the environment, is difficult

I was at the beach, I saw a seagull with a plastic fishing lure but no visible hook. It's always something. We can't go back to the dark ages. I couldn't help the gull know not to eat the plastic.

I think the theme here is that we all need to be responsible, as much as we can. If each one of us does what we can, it may make a difference to one little life out there.

I refuse to use plastic bags. I take my canvas ones with me. We have stopped many times and picked up trash in the ocean. It's too bad we can't get everyone to cooperate. I'm very sorry for anyone who looses a pet. They all mean so much to us.

But, having said that, I'm back to~ how many warning labels can we put on stuff that people simply don't bother to read or heed anyhow?

Where's the warning label or ban on these stupid ass balloons people keep letting go that kill our marine life?

Maybe with less warning labels the gene pool will have an opportunity to eliminate all the stupid people.


If they put the warning label on the bag, they should also provide it in brail to protect the seeing-eye dogs.

thank you for those that actually followed treasure net rules of conduct and didn't respond with criticism. If you don't want to sign the pledge don't but it's not necessary to add your own heartless opinions. I remember this site as non-judgmental ,caring about other detectorist, now I'm starting to second guess myself.
It's to bad that some of the " Members" of this site don't think before they write.

My sincere apologies to golden eagle for my thoughtless and insensitive remarks. I should have known better, especially being a dog lover. I would be pleased to sign your petition. Again, my sincere apologies to you and to all whom I may have ofended.

It is called "accident", accidents happen. Placing a label on a bag isn't going to change a single thing.

I have parrots, a Teflon pot left on a hot stove with nothing in it produces a toxic gas that will kill my parrots.

Should all Teflon pots contain a warning on the pot or should I as a parrot owner know don't use Teflon pots and or don't leave one on stove unattended.

Avocado will kill a parrot, should there be a warning on all avocados " do not feed to parrots" or should I as a parrot owner know no avocados. Chocolate will kill a parrot, should all chocolates have a warning too..?

Losing a family pet hurts, I have lost many in my lifetime. Losing one that walks up to you and says "love daddy or love mama" and sits and talks to you hurts really bad.

True story, I was at a garage sale one day and had my yellow naped amazon Lucky sitting on my shoulder, people there loved him and tried to get him to talk to them.

Lucky would not say a word to anyone there, then as I left and was getting in my van lucky turned to me and said " I was so scared daddy"....

I though what the heck, i laughed so hard my side hurt....

He has said the same thing after having his nails clipped at the vet and they all broke up laughing.....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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thank you for those that actually followed treasure net rules of conduct and didn't respond with criticism. If you don't want to sign the pledge don't but it's not necessary to add your own heartless opinions. I remember this site as non-judgmental ,caring about other detectorist, now I'm starting to second guess myself.
It's to bad that some of the " Members" of this site don't think before they write.

I am offended by this post.

First of all I don't know why the moderators have not moved this to the Nonsense department where it belongs in my honest opinion.

As Cactusrat pointed out, there is no way to get a vacuum seal around a dogs head with a bag of Doritos. The dog may have died from a heart attack. The pet owner is just assuming it's pets death was from suffocation. There is no professional proof to justify a petition to place a needless warning on the bags.

The last thing I want is to see someones dead dog on my bag of chips.

Homar P. Olivarez

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