Any Dowsing Treasures Found By Anyone?



Deadshot said:
Jblack I have a question for you.....? Who asked you to come in here and troll on this post? For some reason I dont think the topic title was "please tell me all the reasons you hate things you dont understand. But maybe you didn't read the OP so I will quote it for you.

Has anyone on this forum personally dowsed and found coins, gold, silver, artifacts?

He was asking if any of the members of this forum had used LRL to locate treasure. NO WHERE in that post do I see him ask for your opinions for or against LRL's. I believe that you think you are really special because you can have such strong opinions about something like this. And you may be. But you know what? Some people dont care that you think dowsing is a spoof.? If you really want to talk down a hobbie that some people seem to enjoy greatly then start your own post. That way the people that are here because they enjoy the hobbie can just ignore your negative outlook.

Again thank you for ruining a perfectly fine post with your craptastic know-it-all attitude.


Thank you for your opinion, and input.

Until such time as I (or you) are banned from this forum, or a particular thread --I will continue to add dialog and comments as I see fit.

I enter only the truth about dowsing as I have experienced it, and know it to be. If you have input that is different from mine, please share it with the group, and be sure to include your PROOFS to substantiate your position. ;D



Jack I have no input about dowsing. I looked at this thread because I was curious abou the original post. Not because I wanted to see some skeptic tooting his horn. Your opinion was not ased for and is not appropriate in this thread.

I wish you good luck in your skepticism but I do hope that you learn to control yourself and learn some respect.



Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
fitzgerald not give you your last check or what ? always bothering people with your tired crap...reminds me of something i saw on a well known weekly soap opera are always touting that '' i am a dowsing god '' bull that no one here cares to bad as the anti- smoking croud......'' your second hand smoke is going to kill me and give my children defects '' but they do not notice the carbon monoxide as they jog in traffic ...........just 2 cents from.....gldhntr



Dell Winders said:
I enter only the truth about dowsing as I have experienced it, and know it to be.? If you have input that is different from mine, please share it with the group, and be sure to include your PROOFS to substantiate your position.? J Black

JBlack,? haven't you noticed ? ALL of the inputs on this forum ARE different from yours. Please include your PROOFS that you have any iknowledge at all of what you are talking about. It doesn't sound like you have ever learned how to successfully dowse or know any thing about the subject.

"The door to knowledge is never open to a closed mind"? ?Dell

Welcome back - Winders. I was wondering how long it would be before you raised your ugly head again.

Let's Get It On!

Gold Digger

Full Member
Jul 21, 2003
The United States of Texas
Dell Winders said:
I enter only the truth about dowsing as I have experienced it, and know it to be.? If you have input that is different from mine, please share it with the group, and be sure to include your PROOFS to substantiate your position.? J Black

JBlack,? haven't you noticed ? ALL of the inputs on this forum ARE different from yours. Please include your PROOFS that you have any iknowledge at all of what you are talking about. It doesn't sound like you have ever learned how to successfully dowse or know any thing about the subject.

"The door to knowledge is never open to a closed mind"? ?Dell

Not ALL of them Winders... I agree with JBlack, but for some reason my posts keep getting edited..... For NO reason I might add...



Dell Winders said:
Most of us? agree on the common aspects of Dowsing including myself and JBlack. But, Not every Dowser is an? active Treasure Hunter, and employ's the use of Dowsing? on a daily basis in their searches, or have the years of Treasure Hunting experience to? qualify their statements.?

Where is your proof that dowsing has contributed to your searches AND RECOVERY? Where is your proof that dowsing has provided SOMETHING different from what could have been done through ordinary natural intuition, basic research and common sense logic?

For years now you have been asked the same questions, and for years now you have categorically refused to offer up ANY evidence or proofs whatsoever.

Your presence on public forums is nothing more than a cheap advertising technique to keep your name in front of the possible "gullible" and "technically-challenged" ---who might stop by here and be fooled into thinking that your line of BS is on the level.

Without presenting the "proofs", your claims and 1980s vintage MFDs are simple scams ---and they will never be anything else.



Dell Winders said:
NOT TRUE! I've posted numerous photo's of markers & markings which are backed up by eye witnesses and/or photo and video documentation, which I ?located thru Dowsing from my home in Florida, hundreds , or thousands of miles away in places I had never been to before. ?

Pure BS!

Anecdotal accountings of what you THINK is hidden beneath the ground is not proof that anything is there. Anecdotal accountings supported by "witnesses" who are paid by you won't get it either.

Claiming something is hidden beneath the ground, and actually digging it up and looking at it in your hand are TWO different things. You fail to understand that fact.

If I might remind your failing memory, YOU are the one that posted photos of SIGNAL LINES, which you obviously DOCTORED and FAKED ---all as an grand advertising stunt. Hence, you can post all the photos you want, but none of those cheap advertising tricks mean anything to those who know you are scam artist and a crook. They will only be meaningful to the "gullible" and the "technically-challenged"; ---most here don't fall into those groups, so save your breath and the Internet bandwidth.

OutBack Duo

Hero Member
Apr 21, 2005
Olathe, KS
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Minelab SE PRO
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I really don't know why this thread keeps going back and forth. If you believe in Dowsing great I hope it works for you. If you don't believe thats fine also. I hope no one is trying to make money by selling dowsing equipment here, there is no reason in the world for anyone to buy dowsing equipment. There is nothing Technical about Dowsing. Dowsing is the ability to use your mind, common sense and intuition to locate things. There is no Electronic device out there that is going to increase any of that. I myself do believe in Dowsing, I have found items that I wouldn't have found otherwise. I use 2 simple coat hangers that are cut at 20" and bent at 4/16 (4 being the handle). There is nothing magical about them, my sub-conscious mind controls them. I don't know where I get the ability to find things and I don't know why it works and don't really care. I have noticed I dowse better when I drink a lot of water before dowsing, I don't know why but I always have better luck. When I try to prove that dowsing works or show it off I have nothing but bad luck. Dowsers don't need to prove anything and don't need an audience.

Just my Thoughts!



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey guys.....JBlack is the best treasure hunter of all time. He doesn't have to have anything to find treasure. From his post he don't need dowsing rods, metal detectors, gpr or anything. We are all crazy for buying these tools. He states over and over and over that all you have to do is look the area over and decide where the treasure is then walk over and pick it up. Man is he good...Art


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
as i am not an employee or paid advertiser of dells or any other dowser, i think some people{excluding black} on here might like to hear my or information dowsing has been used successfully for thousands of years, there are many written accounts of this....on a personal level, i have used two map/information is one, and the other will remain unnamed in order to protect his credibility from the likes of the disbeliever {he says} that is always blasting dell and his very informative posts......i have researched many projects, some for several years..some of these areas i have sent maps to both these people...both of them DO have an ability..neither of these has ever charged me a cent for their time and i have used on a few projects...the other dowser and i have been working together over a year on countless projects......both of these people have led me to many sites that i never would have found as written research on caches buried is ALLWAYS incomplete and full of holes, { for a very good reason}.......both of these people can tell me where to look for a certain man made ?marker or sign and every time it is found within 50-100 feet of their co-ordinates....these markers vary from simple tree carvings to very elaborate signposts, to underground markers that are only detectable via site dowsing or a compass...both of these people have led me to buried treasures. they know it and i know it... each of them lives several states away from me and knows nothing at all about the areas i am searching other than a simple, non-informative topo map or aerial, there are no pictures or proof, and there never will be for obvious reasons..the most prominant being that who cares what the unbelievers think, that will just leave more in the ground for others that are not so short- sighted.......and as for anyone listening too hard to black, i suggest before they do, to do a little research into his not so long ago background, see just who he has worked for, and what he has done for pay,,,,,then research dell, ?and i think you will see that what is said about dell, or any other dowser is but a drop in the bucket compared to what could be said about mr black....i own no equipment sold by dell, and throughout my many conversations with him, he has never , not once, tried to push any of it on me......i do own a peice of equipment that was bought from one of blacks former employers, at a very inflated cost of over $1700.00... this peice of equipment is nothing other than a scam in a box, which never comes out of the basement.... have you ever boosted these black ? while stating no-one elses equipment worked ? was not bought because i am short-sighted, or greedy, or any of the other reasons i have seen posted as to why people buy these was bought by me, thinking that with all the technological advances in the world today, that maybe it would work......well it doesn't. but i do not sit around whining and crying to everyone about it,, no,, , i simply get out my trusty old dowsing rods, and do my best to locate items that are out there, just as the spanish did a couple three hundred years ago, using the same method...they didn't fill up all those galleons by sitting around bitching, they did it by dowsing and never hear of alot of spanish test holes being found, only spanish mines. these were first located via dowsing, and compasses.......before anyone listens too hard to anyone saying it will not, does not work, or saying it is the work of the devil, i would suggest reading up on spanish history, trying it out for yourselves, and check out several chapters in the bible..............gldhntr


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
p.s. MR black, i thought you might like to see a post in the classified add section,,,,,,,it is titled ''anderson dowsing rod'' if you will read it you will see what a post, trying to sell a lrl is like, and it looks nothing like any of dells posts i have seen on here.....just thought you would appreciate it as many times as your broken record has stated dell is boosting his own products on the dowsing threads.....matter of fact it seems like you are mostly the one talking of lrl on these threads....are you still boosting them yourself ?........gldhntr

OutBack Duo

Hero Member
Apr 21, 2005
Olathe, KS
Detector(s) used
Minelab SE PRO
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I loved your above post. I tottaly believe everything you had to say. I am new to dowsing and would love to know if you have any websites or other refrences you would like to share. Feel free to email me if you would like.




aarthrj3811 said:
Over the past 2 years or so I have posted around 12 experiments for the skeptics to try. They all prove that the mind does control the rods. Included was a simple frame that held the rods and proved that Idomotor response does cross the rods. Most of the post have been deleted with the other threads. I don't know if they tried the experiments as I have no response from the skeptics except that they are not scientific.? Here's an interesting experiment.

Take a set of non magnetic rods and step on a coin. The rods will close. Take a bar magnet and hold it in one hand with the rod and step on the coin. Now switch the poles on the magnet and do it again. Did the rods stay open one of the two times? It is all in what you think in the mind. Now try placing the magnet on different parts of
your body. Is this changing the magnetic field of your body? No, it's all in whatever you believe in your own mind. Heck if I know but it is something to think about....Art

Not much else to say.​


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey JBlack....Thanks for changing my post and then using the changes as a QUOTE. I guess when you are proved wrong you just change things so it fits your belief system.

Has anyone on this forum personally dowsed and found coins, gold, silver, artifacts?
To answer the main topic of this threads. Yes----I have found coins, lot's of gold and some silver using only Dowsing Rods.......Art




Dell Winders said:
I would say altering some ones comment to satisfy a vindictive agenda was a dirty, low life, sneaky, lying, dispicable ?act ?against a respected treasure net participant....

...and I would say, and MAINTAIN... that for a known scam LRL/MFD dealer/mfgr to come on a public forum and inject input as a form of FREE advertising (for his own scam LRL junk) is a dirty, low life, sneaky, lying, despicable? act against all respected treasure net participants, and is done ONLY to satisfy his own vindictive agenda!

There are many different methods afforded us, to bring attention to the message we desire to publish on a public forum.? You are free to select any of those avenues of presentation, the same as I am.?

If you don't like it here... LEAVE!? Go back to your own "closed" forums and your inner circle of two or three "buds" that are most comfortable sucking up to you.

Alternatively, if you want to come out in the open, and inject your FREE advertising blubs ---then you can expect to hear from those that know you for what you really are, and WILL expose your vindictive and crooked business ventures and practices.


rusty nails

:) Its pretty interesting - thats for sure - i have a couple copper rod sets - that i made - out of #6 solid copper ground cable - the one test i did was give them to my two kids and wife and let them go over a known target only to me - i will hold my un scientific findings to myself - because this thread is out of my league - just try that small test and see what happens - i think the conversation is educational - so keep up the good work - LBP ;D


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey leftybassplayer.....I have found that most kids can dowse. When it comes to the fairer sex if they are other 15 I find they are very skeptical and are a lot harder to teach than men. Un Scientific vs Scientific is where we have a big problem on the internet.
If you find a ring or a large treasure and post your story with photo's it is called un scientific and a Anecdotal Tale. If I had 37 degrees and stated that Dowsing does not work, that would be Scientific even if most of my degrees were in basket weaving and related fields.
I find that Dowsing is not only interesting but has peeked my interest more than any other hobby that I have ever had...Art


rusty nails

well i got interested in "dowsing" a bit - after metal detecting w/a detector and watching a guy find a metal box with a homeade pair - i honestly just posted what i had seen - it was all in good fun -
in matter of fact the other item we used was an underground line locator that cost 1000.00 bucks
it was all over the place - i almost drove home and got my ace 250 because i knew that puppy would find that old rusty box - ::) it would have went nuts on a 12x12x6 jbox filled with copper wire !
thanks for the reply - LBP 8)



goldvein said:
he can't locate and he can't dowse, but he sure can BS. The internet allows anyone to say anything they want. That would never work face-to-face.


I will say the same things to your face as I say to you here, Mike Healey. Matter of fact, I'll be out near your area (Billings, Montana) in the next week or two ---and if time permits, will definitely contact you so we can have a one-on-one, face-to-face closeup exchange. Better practice up, 'cause I'll be looking for your dowsing demonstration that proves everything you've been saying.... or was that just your line of BS?

See you later....

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