Map dowsing Lessons

Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
How many people would want me to post a short course in map dowsing? This is copyrighted material but I am the writer and I hold the copyright. If even ten people want it I'll post it next weekend. exanimo, ss

jeff of pa

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I think That Would Be Great S.S.

Nov 8, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
How many people would want me to post a short course in map dowsing? This is copyrighted material but I am the writer and I hold the copyright. If even ten people want it I'll post it next weekend. exanimo, ss


A) Why dd you have to ask?? As far as I am concerned anything on the psychic factors, in which dowsing is intimately involved, is acceptable and welcome. To understand one is to understand the others

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills )


Capt. Buzzkill

Save me a seat in the front row too....I brought my pencil.



Please!!! I look at so many maps that my eyes are crossed!!

Thanks for the offer!



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Feb 3, 2005
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Scoot over Capt. !!! I'm good to go!

Just make sure you keep it as simple as possible for those of us that don't have a clue! :D

Oh and... do we have to wait for the weekend?! ???

Nana ;)


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
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All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
That makes the ten I asked for. Nana I always try to only promise what I can deliver. I will post by Sunday at the latest and earlier if I can. That's the best I can do. For now anyone wishing to participate should go to and print a copy of a 1:24000 scale map of any area they are interested in. You will also need a straight edge or ruler. I prefer the clear draftsmans triangles. For your pendulum you can use a ring and a string; a needle and a threadbut if you use a nut some folks will say that there is a nut on both ends of the string. LOL exanimo, ss


Noble Metal

SS, this is your friend in the Philippines, still alive and well, and glad you are the same; and Thank You Very much, and I will be waiting..


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - Getting started

You've selected your pendulum on the basis of what appeals to you or what is available to you. Another consideration is that you want the pendulum to be well balanced and its connection to the chain, thread or dental floss to be secure and as frictionless as possible. You don't want knots or bumps to cause a bobble in the motion. In all pendulum work there are three basic motions. One is for yes, one is for no and one is for "that does not compute", try again or "I don't know". I recommend a fourth movement for ready. Some folks will have a real problem getting started if they think that the pendulum should just hang still and then begin moving after they ask a question. If you begin by imparting the initial momentum to the pendulum in the ready or questing motion this is much less tiring. You should determine what those four movements will be. Start with what you want to be the questing motion. Say "please use this motion for ready or questing." Ask silently or aloud "please show me yes". Next question would be "please show me no". Final question would be "please show me that does not compute". If you get no response to your requests you can use your own motions for those responses and say "please use this motion to indicate yes or no or that does not compute" Here are some examples of what other dowsers use for the four motions ... clockwise=yes; counterclockwise = no; diagonal = does not compute; back and forth = questing ..... another set is back and forth = yes (like nodding your head); side to side = no (like shaking your head no) ; diagonal = that does not compute; clockwise circle = questing The first question you should ask before each dowsing session is "Is this a good time to dowse?" If the answer is no try again later. You can also answer any question that has a yes or no answer with dowsing. When you have a preconcieved idea what the answer is or should be you must use safeguards to avoid skewing the results. I will describe some safeguards so you will know how to use them. Prolonged dowsing sessions can cause problems so try to do your dowsing in short sessions with other activities in between. These lessons will be bare bones and I will try to avoid distractions creeping in. There are many techniques for improving your results and i will try to give some of them after the basic lessons are posted. If you check my profile you'll see how little time I have to spend on this site. Therefore what's easiest for me will be short segments. exanimo, ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - choosing a map

I've been asked if people can use maps that they already have. The answer is yes if its a topographical map and no if it is a road map or a street map. I prefer small maps because large maps are a pain in my lower back from standing at a table and bent over working the map. I prefer to sit down while dowsing but you youngsters can please yourselves. Preferably you should have no preconcieved opinions about the map that you have chosen. If you do you will need to adjust my directions.
If the map you are using is new to you and you have no opinions one way or the other begin by asking if this is a good time to dowse? Then if you get a yes proceed with is there a treasure in the area represented by this map? Is there more than one treasure in the area represented by this map? Continue asking questions until you have a definite answer to how many treasures are on your map. I recommend that you not attempt to mark more than three treasure locations on a map. If you have more than that just make a xerox copy and continue. If you have more than one treasure on your map begin dowsing for the most valuable treasure. Lay your straight edge along a line from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. Ask if the treasure lies along that line. Is the treasure to the left of that line? Keep asking questions and moving your straight edge until it lies on top of the treasure. Mark that line. Now move to the line that runs from the top left corner to the bottom right corner and get that line. Mark it. Where the two lines cross is your location. On the 1:24000 scale map (also called a 7 1/2 minute map) that I recommended the place that the two lines cross covers a 50 foot circle on the ground. That's not too bad you say. No it wouldn't be if our government friends would leave well enough alone but here's what else they throw into the mix to liven things up. USGS standards permit landmarks to be shown up to 300 feet from where they really are if it makes that map easier to print. They assume that if you go to that spot you will be able to see the landmark from 300 feet away and adjust your route. When you attempt to convert your map coordinates to GPS you will find that our government deliberately distorts the data. This is done to thwart terrorists. Before 911 the usual distortion was 1/10 to 3/10 of a mile. It can easily be adjusted upwards if the feds want to. Repeat the process for any other treasures on your map and I will deal with information dowsing next time.
For those who have an opinion on where the treasure lies on your map here is the adjustment. Since you already think there is treasure there your pendulum will tell you there is treasure whether there is or not. To get an accurate location flip your map blank side up and mark the corners. Follow the directions above and then flip the map right side up and hold it up to the light to see where your location is.
I have been asked if it matters which direction you face and which direction your map faces. Some people are very superstitious and have to do everything exactly the same way each time. Go with whatever is comfortable to you and you should do fine. Whatever you do be consistent when you first start and then experiment after you get the hang of it. Until next time, exanimo, ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - oops

For the second location start at the top and bottom middle and the horizontal middle. For the third location start at the top right to bottom left and the top left to bottom right lines. ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - information dowsing

You may want to write out your questions so that you don't have to interupt your dowsing to stop and take notes. Just put a plus or a minus by each question to indicate the answer. As always begin by asking if this is a good time to dowse. Place the index finger of your idle hand on top of the spot where the lines crossed. Spread the other four fingers as they will act as an antenna for you. My next question is always whether or not the cache is boobytrapped. That determined you want to know what is there. gold - silver - jewels? Next learn something about the container - metal - wood - glass - leather? What year was it hidden - before 1900 - before 1800 - before 1850 - before 1875 - after 1865 - 1866-1867-1868? How much does it weigh (include the weight of the container) - a one ounce gold target is probably flake or placer gold - more than 50# - more than 30#- less than 35# - 31 - 32 - 33? What is the distance from the surface of the ground to the top of the container? More than 18 inches? 17-16-15-14-13? Now make sure that your metal detector is capable of reading to that depth or your search will be wasted. Travel to the site. Gain permission to search and search. That's the majority of it in a nutshell. The other posts will describe ways to practice and how to work sites that re well known and sites where you have an opinion that might override your readings. exanimo, ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons- information dowsing practice

Start with ten blank 3x5 cards. write out on one side one question which you know the answer to. Leave the other side blank. You will write ten questions. Place the cards face down after shuffling them to remove any patterns. Dowse each card to see if the answer to the question is yes or no. Make a yes pile and a no pile. When you are done check each pile to see how you did. Pure luck would be half correct. With a little practice you should get 8 or 9 right out of ten. What is happening when you miss is that you are letting your concentration slip or your mind wander. exanimo, ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - benefits of map dowsing

Even when gas was less than a dollar a gallon no one wanted to waste a tank full chasing a treasure that was either never there or no longer there. With gas around three dollars its even more distasteful to waste a trip. I am 100% certain that any treasure I dowse as being gone actually is gone. I am not 100% certain that a treasure which is there can be recovered by me. Lack of legal access causes many problems but illegally entering property and getting busted causes even more problems. Another drawback is the cache that is deeper than my equipment can go. Given ten projects maybe 6 will have no access and another 2 or 3 will be beyond the reach of the equipment. One or two out of ten you will gain access and have a viable chance of making the recovery. The typical treasure hunter will be lucky to make four long trips a year. Doesn't it make sense that you eliminate the impossible sites before you go so that you can focus on the more realistic sites? Even coinshooters would much rather work sites with silver and gold present than sites that only have copper. With dowsing you can determine this in advance. exanimo, ss


Siegfried Schlagrule

Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
Detector(s) used
All types of BFOs owned. Especially want White's Arrow; White's Oremaster; Exanimo Spartan Little Monster; Garrett contract Little Monster.
Re: Map dowsing Lessons - Impressed signals and how to avoid them

In dowsing clases the instructors will impress a stream on the floor so that the students can practice water dowsing. The same thing happens when people seek the legendary treasures. If you go to those sites you will be led to each and every place where someone thought the treasure would be. If you or anyone else handles the map before you dowse it - it will be impressed. If you have no preconceptions the distortion will be minor. To remove this impressed data just use a horseshoe magnet like a broom and carefully sweep it above the map without making contact. As a quick work around on the legendary sites you can print five maps. Place them face down on the table and mark the corners. Take each of them and dowse them for the data. Then turn over the map and find out where you have dowsed. Frequently the legendary maps will be dead when you do this and cluttered when you do them face up.

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