The Gifted of Stone


Hero Member
Apr 16, 2010
Annapolis Junction, Maryland
Primary Interest:
It's been brought to my attention that several users of this site are wanting to send other users gifted stones or even treasure.. I see nothing wrong with this and Yes I have even sent items to others not expecting anything return.
I'm not sure what the charter members feelings on this.. and as many of you may know I've attempted to create a swap area.. But because I am not a charter member, anyone joining the group including myself can not post in the groups discussions area. I wasn't aware of this and asked that the group be deleted and any related post be removed which has happen.
So far there hasn't been an issue with the above statements.. the issue lays with how these users are wanting to trade/swap or gift said items to one another. Case in point, I was PM'd by several users asking if they could send me samples just out of the blue.. This sort of set an alarm off indicating that we've just met and why would anyone want to "just" send another user here anything without prior consent.. Just seemed odd to me. In light of this.. I've had to close my PM service.. and must be a little more mindful of who I allow into my pms.
So here is what I'm getting at, I feel that if there are groups on Treasurenet.. the groups should be allowed to have their own discussion area.. again case in point.. I requested that Terra create a group which she did.. but we can't post messages.. so the group is a bit redundant.. This all returns to what I had posted several days ago.. I wanted to create a swapping group whereas members could swap and send others requested minerals and stones.. Openly and in clear view of other group members.. In other words.. no Pm swaps would be allowed..
So I guess what I need from others that wish to have a Tresurenet swap group.. needs to submit this request to TN's owners/admins but be prepared to hear, "you must be a charter Member etc" but again.. my reply to this effect would be why have groups if one can't discuss anything within said group.
As I've stated.. if anyone wants to send others gifted stones or minerals.. one will need to post this transaction openly and not in the private messenger service. Just thought you should know.. because I'm now limited to who can message me with legitimate comments or questions because I fear something will or could be said in private that should not..
lastly.. if anyone would like to befriend me, Please submit a request within one of my post indicating your intentions.. Thank you.

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