
  1. Thisll keep you busy for a while...

    This'll keep you busy for a while... There's not a lot I can do well - just ask my friends and co-workers! :tongue3: But I DO know my way around researching. I've already found 7 or 8 of these that are long, LONG gone, and have...
  2. Last Summer Road Trip

    Went on a road trip with some members of the New York Paleontological Society over the weekend. We traveled to a number of destinations in Pennsylvania including Renovo, Centralia, and a mysterious Amish settlement. Our main objective was to find fossils from the Devonian age. The first place we...
  3. Ghost shows

    My fiancé is into Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventurers….I wonder if they need someone to detect relics for them? You know for trigger objects. I’d take that job. They go to some really cool spots.