
  1. How can I find this doll artist or anything about it?

    Good day, I bought this doll but apparently hours before it was sold in another auction. I am heartbroken because she was so special to me and I have not found anything like it. She "spoke" to me, the style was so special. I can't seem to find anything about her or the artist. The seller only...
  2. Help With ID of Vintage German Made Doll

    I found this little gem of a doll the other day and I really cant seem to find out much info on it. It hasnt have any branding that I can identify and I am totally unsure of when it was produced. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated., Om the back of the head its says made in Germany and new...
  3. Shirley Temple Reliable Composition Doll

    Found this 20 inch full composition Reliable Doll-bought from the original owner's daughter, and was told it is a Shirley Temple Reliable doll. Only found the markings saying it is Reliable, no Shirley Temple markings. No tags on the dress indicating that it is a Shirley Temple dress either...
  4. Looking for information on my dolls!

    Hi! I have a small collection of dolls that I love for purely sentimental reasons. However I would really like to know where they came from or any other information on them. Would also love to hear why or how you became interested in dolls! Thanks in advance!
  5. Any ideas? Voodoo? African? Leather doll

    Any ideas? Approximately 7 inches tall. It appears to be hand stitched and made of some type of leather/hide. Thanks as always!
  6. Tiny porcelain? doll

    Another backyard find. I'm assuming this doll is porcelain but I may be wrong. Anyone seen anything like her before?
  7. PLEASE HELP! Antique Bisque/Porcelain Doll Identification for new member THANK YOU!

    Hello! I could use some help identifying this antique doll. I know literally nothing about dolls, so ANY information is greatly appreciated. Time period/possible maker/country/doll type. Typically doll height with bisque, porcelain or ceramic head, atoms and legs. Hair style from the 1930s or...
  8. ✅ SOLVED I was hanging out in a hole and this lady showed up!

    I was out hunting today and this popped out of one of my holes. Can anyone tell me anything about this? Age maybe? Small holes on both sides makes me believe there was once moving arms. Little less then 4.5 inches with feet broke off. Thanks in advance for your help!
  9. Akron Marble & Toy Manufacturing Co. Toy Boots Late 19th Century

    Two late 19th century toy boots made by the Akron Marble & Toy Manufacturing Co. Picked these up at a garage sale along with several other Civil War artifacts. They probably aren't worth very much but a dollar estimate would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  10. Anceint grave textile dolls

    I got these and they seem to be authentic Peruvian textile dolls. Any thoughts?