

    SO, watching hours of Youtube videos and listening to tips from Tnet members I took a gamble and went to a spot I studied on a Geological map of my state. Everyday I eagerly awaited the mailman like Ralphy in A Christmas Story. THEN IT CAME I couldnt get the box opened fast enough..My first...
  2. Found a wooden flour bag wall decor - Stone Ground Flour Grist Mill

    I came across this at an estate sale. I'm not sure if it's as old as it looks or not. It is signed by the artist on the back: C. Costa 92. Do you guys think this is 1892, 1992, or maybe even just a number of manufacture? Any info would help. I'm selling it on EBay without even knowing what it...
  3. Ideas for recovering flour gold?

    I have a homemade sluice box but where I prospect, there is a lot of flour gold and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to make a flour gold recoverer?
  4. Orange flour gold???

    Hi All, My son and I have just started searching for gold in idaho. We have found some gold and these little flake certainly look like gold.. no doubt. However, in another small creek near our house we have found a good amount of orange, very fine material. This stuff appears to be of...