
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Stone fragment with what appears to be Latin letters

    I found this piece of stone on a rocky beach on the Oregon coast. As you can see, it has a small portion of what appear to be concentric rings with markings between the rings which give the appearance of being letters. Something with the shape of the letter “N” appears at least 5 times. Other...
  2. Round disc with letters, symbols

    Steve and I went to a neat old stone chimney site today. The land looked pristine--never been detected to our knowledge, and our mouths were watering as we turned on our detectors. Three hours later we had a nice collection of shotgun shell brass, fruit jar lids, small bits of lead, and not...
  3. Dumpster Gives Up Some Relics!

    A garage was being torn down in my area and all the contents was being thrown in a big dumpster. It looked mostly like broken wood and old rugs but I always see treasure when I see a dumpster so I couldn't resist. I asked the workers if I could dig around through the stuff and they said I could...

    Howdy!, I have known of these rock letters for a long time. I always assumed it was just someones initials from the year 1955. But after some research I realized there may be a chance it is more. It may be 19 SS DB HW (WH) 55 . This is why I have decided to post on this forum and hopefully find...