
  1. Looking for a "speed handle" for an old Compass Judge 2 Metal Detector

    Hello! This is my first post on, but hopefully not my last. I was given an older model Compass Judge 2 metal detector as a gift from my fiance's grandfather recently. I got it working by fixing the battery wiring and it really is a great metal detector (plus it looks really...
  2. 💵 FOR SALE NYLON BOLTS COIL OR CUFF MOUNTING for MINELAB GT Elite etc $2.89 each free shipping.

    I have M6 (6mm diameter) 50mm and 60 mm bolts for $2.89 each and FREE shipping, links for both sizes below; 50mm Minelab Sovereign GT Elite Nylon Bolt Wing Nut Coils Arm Cuff Mounting | eBay Minelab Sovereign GT Elite 60mm Nylon Bolt Wing Nut Coils Arm Cuff Mounting | eBay These will work...