
  1. Possible pottery anvil?

    Posted this under "what's it worth" also... interesting piece that I was told was a "discoidal" used in gaming... but I found another post calling it a pottery anvil. It is about 3 inches wide and 1-1/2 inches thick- found in Illinois. I am looking forward to the responses, as all the posts...
  2. Rare Discoidal

    I've been told this is an extremely rare piece. The Discoidal is fully grooved, about 3 inches wide and 1-1/2 inches thick. It is beautiful, in great condition, and found near Quincy, Il. Looking to get an approximate value.
  3. Discoidal

    Hi, ran across this forum looking for information on how to have a discoidal evaluated. My father-in-law found one along the MO River years ago, and now that I know what it is, I am curious to find out what its value might be. Would anyone know where to go? This one is about 3 3/4" in diameter...