early 1900's

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Mystery brass item

    Anyone know what this brass thing is? It reminds me of the lid to a torch that I used while in Dental School called a Hanau Torch (you insert a small bit of rope that soaks up alcohol and burns when you light it). I found it in west central Indiana, USA at a location where I’ve found several...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Mystery item!

    Found this at a site in west central Indiana, USA that turns up items that date to early 1800s-early 1900s. Any ideas? I included a front and back image and also an image of a tiny hinge on the back and a tiny loop (makes me think something would’ve clipped into this loop when it closed using...
  3. silver ingut with penny melted into it with date 1905

    I have a question if someone could help me please. I was on a trip detecting and found Civil War Rifleman's button. A saw piece that has says Warranted Superior and (and this is where the question comes in) An ingot that seems to be silver but it has the imprint of a 1905 penny. I have no idea...