fisher id edge

  1. fisher ID Edge detector date started being made

    what year was the fisher ID edge introduced? thanks
  2. need help with fisher id edge searching old home sites

    Hey guys need help in working old home sites. I live in a metro area that is now covered with office parks and neighborhoods. Using the Historical Aerials: Environmental Assessment Photos | Southern California I can easily find the old home sites from the 1950's and earlier times using...
  3. Old home locations search questions

    Hi Guys, Thanks to several replies to an earlier post, I have found five old home sites from the 1920's in the woods that no longer exist. They are literally within 1 mile of my home on private property which I have permission to search. NETR Online ? Historic Aerials was suggested to me by a...
  4. question about Fisher ID edge settings

    Went to park and hunted volley ball court. Found gold clad, silver ring worth about $4.00. But here is the question. I had my settings with the discm set at +22, sensitivity at 7 and notched out pop tops which pretty much eliminates a lot of junk and allows me to concentrate on coins and...