
  1. Detecting and Fishing at the Lake

    Detecting and Fishing at the Lake Metal Detecting for Treasure and Fishing at the Lake before the Bear Fire. Originally this was going to be a video from Lake Madrone of my Metal detecting the beach areas for the whole year but the Bear Fire that burned so many Cabins and Homes in Berry...
  2. Typical Finds In NZ

    Growing a decent collection!
  3. Broken eyelet on fishing magnet.

    So, I went magnet fishing at a dock and the dock had steel rims and steel walls. By accident the magnet got stuck, It is a 330 lb pull magnet and was very hard to move at all. I began pushing it off the dock with my foot when it slammed on the side. I then repeated the process until it was...
  4. Testing out my magnet hillbilly style

    I've been magnet fishing for about 2 years now. When I first started, the hobby wasn't that well-known here in the U.S. Lately, however, it seems to be growing in popularity. As I've said before, it really is an underrated hobby. It doesn't demand much preparation, it's easy to do with your kids...
  5. Found a Colt Police Positive .38 Special with hammer cocked!!!!!

    This is by far the biggest rush I've ever had while magnet fishing :headbang: This thing is a beauty folks. Let me know also what you think of the new cone shaped magnet too.
  6. - page about my interesting hobby

    Hey guys About six months ago, I dicided to try magnet fishing as my hobby. It was really fun and interesting being out fishing, so I decided to make a blog/website about my finds. I hope you like it There haven't been that many "treasures" yet, but I keep hunting, someday...
  7. Found This South Bend Fishing Lure - How Old Is It?

    I found this fishing lure at a yard sale and thought it was really old. I threw it up on EBay, but after doing so, I realized that if it's old, it's worth a LOT more than I put it up for. Can someone tell me if this is worth more than I have it posted for please. The link to images is HERE!
  8. Bamboo Fishing Rod-Old- Help!!!

    We have an old bamboo fishing pole and don't know the value. Please help!! We found it over 20 years ago hidden behind a garage wall. We had it framed. We don't know the age or value. We have seen many go for a few thousand. Look forward to your replies. Thanks
  9. Metal Detecting & Fishing

    I love to metal detect sled riding hills in the spring. I go out just after the snow has melted and the ground is not frozen. I have found rings money, coins, sun glasses, shoes, hats, gloves and more on these slopes. I also love to fish and I found a slick way to get worms. Tip: Next time you...