
  1. I need help with identifying these rocks

    Few days ago I posted a question about some different looking rocks (http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/rocks-gems/661096-i-need-help-identifying-these-rocks.html), when you click on the link you'll see a yellow rock (I think it is yellow jasper). And here is another rock I need to identify...
  2. I need a pro rock identifier!

    I need this rock identified please and thank you. It has a waxy appearance. From Payson area from what I understand (maybe?) A gift from a friend before they passed. I have been wanting to get it identified and this is my first real attempt. The rock shops near me are closed and I'm super...
  3. HELLO! Please help with identification of this rock

    I have a blackish smooth and dull rock that looks volcanic or hematite like to me but it has no streak and is only very slightly magnetic at best. Where it looks like it tapered or spouted off at cooling is where I have attempted to make a window. It completely killed my blade and never could...