river and creek finds

  1. Recent River Finds

    Greetings everyone! The rivers here have been high and muddy after the crazy flooding we've had. Talking about clusters of 6x6x12 stuck 12 feet up in trees! The sand bars have all be rearranged and I hardly recognize the river anymore. Here are a few of my favorite finds so far. Never found...
  2. Hi from Paraguay. Reverse Helicoidal river test.

    Hi. I am from Paraguay South America. We live in a gold rich part of the country. We are planing to start up a gold mine here. Here is a video of sampling we did in a near by stream with our home made Reverse Helicoidal machine. Hope to learn a lot here. Chees.
  3. River walk

    Well the river finally got low enough , I did find a ton of flakes, misc bones & a Bison scapula & vert, oh & this heartbreaker! Oh if I could've seen this whole! Thanks, 8-)
  4. Best detector for finding 10lb gold bar in bottom of river

    Hi all, I'm new here and to detecting in general. I am looking for some advice on the best way to recover, or try to, a couple of 5-10lb gold bars that were tossed in a river a little over 100 years ago. I know the area and the water is slow moving and about 10ft deep. What's the best...
  5. Found A Buried Wagon In Missouri On A River Bend Need Help!

    This is crazy, SO the other day I was kayaking the Missouri river and headed down a little side creek. When out of the corner of my eye i saw what looked to be a old wagon wheel with wood spokes. I decided to go closer and to my supersize it was! So with my wife and I both being on our day of we...
  6. A Friday find

    I went out for a bit on Friday Oct the 16th. I found this Knife? It looks like it's hafted on both sides, but the channels(?) go up each side,it doesn't look anything like a point. Any ideas? Thanks, Phil