spanish gold

  1. Any Old Timers Out West Need Help From A Young Blood?

    I've been researching geology/prospecting for nearly 10 years (I'm 26) Not much hands on experience but my research skills are top notch. First place i ever had a notion to check i found a layer of grey clay full of gemstones. After that layer, Huge chunks of quartz/quartzite, granite, schist...
  2. Possible 17/18th century treasure chest found on my honeymoon in the Caribbean

    Turned out to be a tool box with ropes a belt sander and a bunch of nuts and bolts :(
  3. Spanish? Found concho in the Uintas Utah Lost Rhoades?

    New to forums, please forgive my azzbackwardness, that's just how I roll. I was on another forum, but can't stand the wait getting approved. Some years ago I found this object in Utah. I'm trying to get opinions on whether it could possibly be Spanish. I think it's a concho or rosette. It...
  4. Madre Vena / Mother Load/Vain. What do you know?

    Hi, I'm doing some research on the Madre Vena. As a life long resident of Arkansas I am fascinated by the stories that I have read in just my short time of research on the topic of a cave with the last of the Spanish gold from Arkansas inside. I have read the two standard versions of the...