
  1. Highbanker on Private Property in California?

    Hi all, I own 20 acres in northern California. Is it against the law to run a highbanker & Trommel on my private property? Seasonal creek/stream? I own minerals rights as well, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Thanks!
  2. Heckler Fabrication Trommel and Gold Claimer Hopper Feeder FOR SALE

    Heckler Fabrication 2410-V Trommel with extended sluice box $30,000 Gold Claimer Hopper/Feeder $20,000 (Willing to sell the combo for $42,000.) Includes 4" Diesel Pump with lay flat hose. Used lightly on weekends for 2 seasons. Found gold, but with work commitments, I had to hang it up...
  3. Different types of alluvial wash plants

    Hey guys, here is a great article on different types of alluvial wash plants. Some are also used in hard rock gold production such as the Knelson concentrator and spiral concentrators. You are guaranteed to learn something from this article, even if you've been mining for decades...
  4. What is this equipment?

    Interested in any assistance you can give me, I am an auctioneer in western Colorado and I have this equipment. My guess is a trommel and shaker screen of some sort, but not sure?
  5. Water Powered Trommel - Runs 1 Yard/Hr

    Check out this beast!! Can run 1 yard an hour, with a 1 inch pump. Hard to keep up with this machine. Water powered conveyor is in the works as well!! Hopefully by spring should have that all tuned in.
  6. Hi from Paraguay. Reverse Helicoidal river test.

    Hi. I am from Paraguay South America. We live in a gold rich part of the country. We are planing to start up a gold mine here. Here is a video of sampling we did in a near by stream with our home made Reverse Helicoidal machine. Hope to learn a lot here. Chees.
  7. Billybobs trommel build

    Hi all I guess this here will be my first post I'm Billybob, I'm 17, a welder fabricator, wanna be miner, and this is my first trammel plant build after long dreaming about mining and spending far to much time driving heavy equipment I'm going to give this a go heres my shop, its in a 20x20...
  8. Hopper size?

    I am going on the theory that twelve pounds of pay cannot go into a 10 pound trommel build. This in mind, does anyone have a suggestion on how to match hopper size to trommel size. Dry trommel, about 34 inches diameter. I have not decided on a 3 or 5 inch grizzly yet. Trommel plan is about...
  9. Hello from SoCal

    My name is Kimberly. I'm from Southern California. I enjoy screening for beach treasures. I am also currently dry working on a patent claim. I found this site when looking for different plans and pictures of trommels for a possible future equipment build.
  10. DIY Hand Cranked Trommel Project

    Here's a video of a daft little DIY hand cracked trommel project my friend has been working on :tongue3:
  11. High torque, low RPM, low amperage 12v DC motor for a Solar powered trommel

    I am looking for a high torque, low RPM, low amperage 12v or 24v DC motor for a Solar powered trommel/sluice combo build. The trommel is 11" diam the length is over 21". I want to make it light weight and portable. I am planning to drive the trommel using sun energy. There is a solar products...
  12. DIY Trommel on a Shoe String Budget!

    Mike's Trommel Here you'll find directions to build an inexpensive, compact, and light weight hand trommel. It is designed to classify quantity material for your dry washer, high banker, sluice, pan, or garden, and can also be used as a composter or worm harvester. The cost of construction is...