wells fargo

  1. 1893 wells fargo boxes lost in Ca. creek

    I found this article in an old newspaper archive. The stage that delivered mail between Merced and Mariposa, Ca. was wrecked trying to ford a creek 4 miles outside Hornitos, Ca. The stage driver drowned and horses barely recovered from the waters. It goes on to say that the mail and wells fargo...
  2. The Wells Fargo Treasure Box ... from http://www.blackbart.com/trivia.php

    The Wells Fargo Treasure Box Gold dust, gold bars, gold coins, legal papers, checks, and drafts traveled in the famous green treasure boxes, stored under the stagecoach driver's seat. Loaded with bullion, they could weigh from 100 to 150 lbs. "About...
  3. Gold bullion and Wells Fargo chests:

    Gold bullion and Well's Fargo chest's: Bullion and possible nugget's some perhaps in Well's Fargo chest's as Stage Coach robberies we're prevalent in the area. Found one possible area after having asked for the location of the largest cache (the second picture) with the rod's. Still excavating...