Freedom of speech? College student stopped from handing out copies of the Constitutio

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Freedom of speech? College student stopped from handing out copies of the Constitution

September 21st, 2013

(RussiaToday) – A college student from California is making waves this week after being told he couldn’t pass out copies of the United States Constitution on campus.

Robert Van Tuinen, 25, was attempting to hand out complimentary copies of the US Constitution at Modesto Junior College in central California on Tuesday when a police officer informed him that he could only distribute pamphlets on campus if done from within a designated free-speech area that requires weeks of notice to reserve.

“Anytime anything is being passed out it has to be… you have to go through the Student Development office,” said the officer.

“Don’t I have free speech, sir?” Van Tuinen responded, clutching copies of the Constitution.

“But do you know what this is?” he asked. “What are the rules? Why are the rules tied to my free speech?”

When the student said he wanted to start a group named Young Americans for Liberty, the officer said, “That’s fine, but if you’re going to start an organization like that you have to go through the rigamarole.”

Van Tuinen raised his objections with the officer and recorded video of the confrontation, as well as an impromptu meeting shortly after with a campus administrator, who told the student there is “a time, place and manner” restriction when it comes to distributing material on campus. The earliest he could be allowed to demonstrate “in front of the student center, in that little cement area” would be September 20, she told him, and at one point dismissively said “you really don’t need to keep going on.


FIRE has published a map of the Modesto campus; the “Free Speech Area” is circled in orange.

The video of the incident has since been widely shared across the Web in the days since and has garnered Van Tuinen the support of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE.

“Watching the video is a combination of depressing and nauseating, to see what rigamarole students have to go through just to express themselves on campus,” Robert Shibley, senior vice president FIRE, said to Fox News.

In an official statement, Shibley wrote that the incident “should send a chill down the spine of every America.”

“Virtually everything that Modesto Junior College could do wrong, it did do wrong,” Shibley said. “It sent police to enforce an unconstitutional rule, said that students could not freely distribute literature, placed a waiting period on free speech, produced an artificial scarcity of room for free speech with a tiny ‘free speech area’ and limited the number of speakers on campus to two at a time. This was outrageous from start to finish. Every single person at Modesto responsible for enforcing this policy should have known better.”

“Passing out flyers outdoors is one of the most Constitutionally-protected activities there is,” he added to The Daily Caller. “Every single person enforcing this should have realized something was wrong.”

Lisa Hoile, a public relations officer at the community college, told Fox that students are asked to pass out materials only in certain areas in order to avoid disrupting campus operations, but said, “In the case of the YouTube video, it does not appear that the student was disrupting the orderly operations of the college and therefore we are looking into the incident.”

The incident occurred on Sept. 17 — 226 years to the day after the Constitution was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Source: Natural News

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Produce Guy

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So why doesn't he go across the street and hand 'em out.


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Jul 9, 2012
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Actually, instead of wasting time handing stuff out there, the dude should investigate the possibility of a scholarship or financial aid and transfer to a 4 year university. I suggest Berkely(or Texas), where you can hand out to your little heart's content, join Young Republicans, protest or support a myriad of things, hang out at Sather Gate(Berkely) or the Drag(Guadalupe Street in Austin) and oh yeah, get an education too, if you have time...


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Considering what he was handing out I think he should be cut a break by all including ppl here. That little piece of paper carries a huge burden, protects us from those who would gladly run us over if given a chance and is constantly attacked by those who want to run ppl over and make the rules up as they go along for their benefit. Ppl think that we don't need the constitution anymore, its outdated, it was written by people that weren't as smart as we are today etc. Pfft those ppl had a better education than most of the idiots shoved out of high school and college doors every year. That document amazingly still fits even today and will continue to do so. Of a young man wants to pass out the most important document our country has then he should be allowed without harassment.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain


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Nov 18, 2010
NJ Pine Barrens
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Nobody told the student that he couldn't hand out the pamphlets, he just has to follow the rules of the school.

You cant just go around doing whatever you want whenever you want.

You have to play by the rules. That is how society functions in an orderly manner.


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May 11, 2005
Northern California
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I'd bet if he was handing out condoms, food "credit card" applications, or clean needles they would have left him alone. Too bad he's not in high school in California, he could have just showered with the girls and taken his mind off things like the Constitution. I guess that, once you reach college age though, they consider you perverted for showering with the girls.

Jan 2, 2013
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Free Speech Areas

most universities and colleges have "zones" for free speech...
since universities and colleges are business first, this is not unwarranted.
the business is education, any disruption of the educational process is not allowed...
this again is not a new thing...remember kent state?


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May 11, 2005
Northern California
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Then how come those dumba$$ college pukes got away with blocking sidewalks at their California college and sued the police and school because the poor babies got pepper sprayed? They should have practiced their freedom of speech in a designated area. Block my path and you're messing with my rights!!


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May 11, 2005
Northern California
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Nothing ben, I didn't say anything was unfair. I said do it fairly for all implying that, if there is a "rule" I understand enforcing it even if it goes against my grain. I also point out that it needs to be enforced for everyone no matter their "cause". I did point out the difference between allowing pukes to block a sidewalk at one college and someone being told their is a designated place to exercise your speech at another. Will you admit that, if the pukes had blocked the sidewalk at the same college this guy was handing out pamphlets, the sidewalk blockers would have been in the wrong and pepper spraying their dumba$$es may not have been such a bad thing? I know, they should have been allowed to express themselves no matter what. Leave them be, they aren't hurting anyone. No need to enforce the rules.


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Nov 18, 2010
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Nothing ben, I didn't say anything was unfair. I said do it fairly for all implying that, if there is a "rule" I understand enforcing it even if it goes against my grain. I also point out that it needs to be enforced for everyone no matter their "cause". I did point out the difference between allowing pukes to block a sidewalk at one college and someone being told their is a designated place to exercise your speech at another. Will you admit that, if the pukes had blocked the sidewalk at the same college this guy was handing out pamphlets, the sidewalk blockers would have been in the wrong and pepper spraying their dumba$$es may not have been such a bad thing? I know, they should have been allowed to express themselves no matter what. Leave them be, they aren't hurting anyone. No need to enforce the rules.

Packer, Im sure you have a valid point but please understand that one incident has nothing to do with the other. I am not entirely familiar with the incident you are talking about so I cant really comment any further.

loco oro

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Aug 15, 2013
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handing out copies of the constitution,is educational, i think they should hand them out to everyone who enjoys this country, at walmart ,mcdonalds ,hears your burger and frys and a copy of the constitution, i get things handed to me daily that i dont want or ask for ,advertisments, flyers mailed to my home that i dont want or ask for , but they are exersising there right, i do and say nothing,but if i were to mail a copy of the constitution to everyone,in hopes of educating someone i bet that would create quite a stir

Peyton Manning

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Dec 19, 2012
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I heard about this from rush. It's crazy, a free speech zone? and you have to have a permit?

I would stand there and make them arrest me and go to court


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Nov 18, 2010
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I heard about this from rush. It's crazy, a free speech zone? and you have to have a permit?

I would stand there and make them arrest me and go to court

Can you go to a McDonalds and stand in the lobby and say whatever you want and then claim "free speech" when they have you arrested and escorted from the premises?

loco oro

Hero Member
Aug 15, 2013
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no, that would be disruptive,and one could clearly see that there was intent to do so,that is not what the kid was doing. i wonder how many he handed out, and out of those,how many were read for the first time, whether you agree or disagree this could be veiwed as a public service, afterall it is what this country was founded on, and offering it to those who may recieve it,imo should be supported and not censored in any fashion.


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I could see if he was handing out gay/lesbian rights, NRA, anti-abortion or marijuana is great pamphlets because someone would be offended bit he was handing out the Constitution for Pete's sake..nobody that lives in this country should be offended by that document if your do then get the hell out, you don't deserve something like that. For too long too many people have complained about what gives them the ability to complain, go do that in a different country and see what happens to your crybaby ass. Too many thin skinned people today, all crying over how their feelings are hurt because they heard a word or someone handed them a paper...boohoo, if that's what someone has to complain about then be grateful because you could be out in the cold, starving to death, have a disease that's killing you etc. Some people just need to get over it or themselves.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain


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May 11, 2005
Northern California
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Not meaning to sound like a badass but I guarantee you I would have had no problem walking that sidewalk without stepping on the grass. They may have stopped me with numbers but I would guess most of those losers would have sat there while I pushed their pansy a$$es out of my way. I know, I know, that wouldn't have been productive but sometimes you have fun without worrying about productivity.

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