Pornography Part of Core Curriculum ... Destroying Values via The Classroom

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Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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Weird.. twighlight zone. The book burners and people who censor all great literature are for pornography in schools? Why. And then they claim it is all of us that inhabit the middle of the road that are the bad guys?

It makes sense that the fanatic left censors speech, it helps to make the populace dumber so that they can be controlled easier.. the support of porn is another part of their agenda to help dismantle morality.

"Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government . . . can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any despotic or oppresive form so long as there is any virtue in the body of the people."
George Washington

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
Benjamin Franklin

Has a ring of truth in it, the very fact that virtue is being torn apart daily in government and some would apologize and or rationalize the behavior shows we are already far down that road. The next thing that has to go is a moral compass, because "everyone's actions are relative" and mustn't be held to a standard of acceptable conduct.

This book is not showing acceptable conduct, it nearly looks like it condones these terrible acts. But as Chadeaux said,, "it is one thing for adults to discuss it",, making children discuss it should be criminal.



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Sep 13, 2011
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So, let me get this right:

Yous guys believe that if you support the second, you must support pedophilia?

Screwy at best.

I'd like to exercise my Second Amendment rights by offing the pedophile who destroyed the life of one of my friends. Unfortunately, the left wants guns taken away because someone might harm a pedophile. They want these children's lives destroyed by a sexual predator.

Then they have the nerve to try to condemn the right as being the party who wants children to go hungry? What a crock of crap!

I better stop now or I'll get banned again.

All I will say though, anyone who supports this type of porn in the schools by necessity must be a pedophile, or at the very least, a closet child abuser.

Jan 2, 2013
somewhere between flagstaff, preskit
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Relic Hunting
wow...nice bait an switch...
but...the liberals are not the book burners, nor do liberals censor free speech...

good try..i suspect some people might even believe you...and since you clearly again avoided reading a neutral link I is the content.
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community –- librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types –- in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.

By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship. Check out the frequently challenged books section to explore the issues and controversies around book challenges and book banning. The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted with removal or restrictions in libraries and schools. While books have been and continue to be banned, part of the Banned Books Week celebration is the fact that, in a majority of cases, the books have remained available. This happens only thanks to the efforts of librarians, teachers, students, and community members who stand up and speak out for the freedom to read.

For more information on getting involved with Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read, please see Calendar of Events, Ideas and Resources, and the new Banned Books Week site. You can also contact the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 4220, or [email protected].

Banned Books Week is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association; American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression; the American Library Association; American Society of Journalists and Authors; Association of American Publishers; Comic Book Legal Defense Fund; the Freedom to Read Foundation; National Coalition Against Censorship; National Council of Teachers of English; National Association of College Stores; PEN American Center and and Project Censored. It is endorsed by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.

notice librarians, teachers and other honored professionals participate in supporting banned books{that means we don't ban books} and NOT censorship.

Native Floridian

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Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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So, let me get this right:

Yous guys believe that if you support the second, you must support pedophilia?

Screwy at best.

I'd like to exercise my Second Amendment rights by offing the pedophile who destroyed the life of one of my friends. Unfortunately, the left wants guns taken away because someone might harm a pedophile. They want these children's lives destroyed by a sexual predator.

Then they have the nerve to try to condemn the right as being the party who wants children to go hungry? What a crock of crap!

I better stop now or I'll get banned again.

All I will say though, anyone who supports this type of porn in the schools by necessity must be a pedophile, or at the very least, a closet child abuser.

Hitler burned books before he confiscated weapons. He said much of what you are saying. He said it about Einstein, Hemingway, Sinclair, Wells, Keller, and Freud just to mention a few. All their books got burned.



Gold Member
Sep 13, 2011
Southeast Arkansas
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Cache Hunting
wow...nice bait an switch...
but...the liberals are not the book burners, nor do liberals censor free speech...

Are you related to the Scandaldaddy? That is a "Super Sized" crock of crap you got there pwp!!!

You are VERY MUCH against free speech. You don't believe that anyone should EVER call out the Scandaldaddy on ANYTHING!!!

When he lies, and we know about it, we should keep quiet or be accused of being racist.

Much like when I and other said there was no way that he could keep his promise of "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it ... Period. If you like your doctor, you can keep them ... Period. You were one of the people who tried with all your might to shout it down. You accused the ones who spoke about it of being racists. You accused us of lying.

To call us liars, well, that was you exercising your free speech rights.

For us to call the Scandaldaddy a liar was akin to treason in your eyes.

Well, the bloom is off the rose. The lies are on full display. People are being HURT by the Scandaldaddy's power grab ... 1/6 of the entire economy!!!

Still, you accuse anyone who doesn't go along with the second socialist president, of being a liar a racist and worse.

Dr. King believed that persons should be judged on the quality of their character. You don't want to hear how I judge you.

I don't participate in organized events like those you described, I have no interest in them. My interest is in seeing that pedophiles don't eventually gain the favor in the public eye that gays and lesbians do now ... forcing people to accept their perverted lifestyles.

When that happens, some of us will likely seek justice in its purest form.

Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Dave nice try! I'm in the center and you aren't even in the same neighborhood. You undo yourself for being critical of those who would censor speech and ban books while yourself calling for the banning of this book. Which my best guess is, you've not read.


Silver Member
Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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Ok Pip.. Here is one for you then.

An exploration of the lefts ability to make an argument that a lie is the truth,, Sophistry.

"The Illusionist
How Herbert Marcuse Convinced a Generation that Censorship Is Tolerance & Other Politically Correct Tricks
by Robin Phillips
The ancient Greeks had a school of philosophers known as the Sophists, who took pride in their ability to prove impossible things. Some sophists even hired themselves out at public events, where audiences could watch spellbound as they proceeded to prove propositions that were obviously false.
The sophist philosopher Gorgias (4th century b.c.) invented an ingenuous argument to prove that: nothing exists; and even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and even if something exists and something can be known about it, such knowledge cannot be communicated to others; and even if something exists, can be known about, and can be communicated about, no incentive exists to communicate anything about it to others. "
- See more at: Salvo Magazine - The Illusionist by Robin Phillips

It is doubtful that Marcuse ever got too worked up over whistling, but what did make him really mad was labor. A good day's honest work was one of the most repressive aspects of the civilization he hoped to undermine. As an alternative, Marcuse urged what he called "the convergence of labor and play." - See more at:

The libido was the key to this pre-civilized utopia. Marcuse called for a "polymorphous sexuality" involving "a transformation of the libido from sexuality constrained under genital supremacy to eroticization of the entire personality." Once this transformation took place, labor would no longer occupy such an important role in the West. In Eros and Civilization Marcuse wrote that "labor time, which is the largest part of the individual's life time, is painful time, for alienated labor is absence of gratification, negation of the pleasure principle."
In his book Intellectual Morons, Daniel J. Flynn helpfully compares Marcuse's views on labor with those of Marx:
Marx argued against the exploitation of labor; Marcuse, against labor itself. Don't work, have sex. This was the simple message of Eros and Civilization, released in 1955. Its ideas proved to be extraordinarily popular among the fledgling hippie culture of the following decade. It provided a rationale for laziness and transformed degrading personal vices into virtues.
- See more at: Salvo Magazine - The Illusionist by Robin Phillips

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Silver Member
Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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Dave nice try! I'm in the center and you aren't even in the same neighborhood. You undo yourself for being critical of those who would censor speech and ban books while yourself calling for the banning of this book. Which my best guess is, you've not read.

Look.. I am not talking about your gravel road in the pacific ocean. I am talking about mainstream Center America,, That is me.

Jan 2, 2013
somewhere between flagstaff, preskit
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Whites prism III
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
again, nice try...

I don't censor. I don't make, nor tell, people what to think, or say, or do...
I do stand up to stupidity and hate speech...that is what educators do...even if they are unemployed...

have fun...

Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Are you related to the Scandaldaddy? That is a "Super Sized" crock of crap you got there pwp!!!

You are VERY MUCH against free speech. You don't believe that anyone should EVER call out the Scandaldaddy on ANYTHING!!!

When he lies, and we know about it, we should keep quiet or be accused of being racist.

Much like when I and other said there was no way that he could keep his promise of "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it ... Period. If you like your doctor, you can keep them ... Period. You were one of the people who tried with all your might to shout it down. You accused the ones who spoke about it of being racists. You accused us of lying.

To call us liars, well, that was you exercising your free speech rights.

For us to call the Scandaldaddy a liar was akin to treason in your eyes.

Well, the bloom is off the rose. The lies are on full display. People are being HURT by the Scandaldaddy's power grab ... 1/6 of the entire economy!!!

Still, you accuse anyone who doesn't go along with the second socialist president, of being a liar a racist and worse.

Dr. King believed that persons should be judged on the quality of their character. You don't want to hear how I judge you.

I don't participate in organized events like those you described, I have no interest in them. My interest is in seeing that pedophiles don't eventually gain the favor in the public eye that gays and lesbians do now ... forcing people to accept their perverted lifestyles.

When that happens, some of us will likely seek justice in its purest form.

let's back it down. let's talk about something else here. Obama did say everyone gets to keep their current health insurance. That hasn't happened. Got any idea why?

The law was written to include minimum standards that all policies have to meet. This was to stop what are known as "open gown policies" Which uses open hospital gowns to express policies that don't have your butt covered. Policies that pay to open you up, but not to close you up. Policies with 60% deductables written into the small print. IOWs policies that aren't worth the paper they are written on. The law specifies this because the health insurance industry has a long storied history of preying on the people who need these policies. IOW, the insurance industry has long ripped these people off. It is these policies that are getting kicked by the new law. Of course that doesn't get any press. And the president as well as the designers of the law got caught off guard by the scope of this problem. But gotta tell ya, the obama haters screaming mad that rip off policies are getting canceled, that doesn't put those people in the best light. I ask is Ok to have a bad policy? Are you for that? So, say what you will about the prez underestimating just how many rip off policies are in force in this country, the law seeks to do the right thing. To make sure that people are no longer ripped off.

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Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Excal, Sov GT
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Look.. I am not talking about your gravel road in the pacific ocean. I am talking about mainstream Center America,, That is me.

Dave i have a very long voting record that puts me just right of center. That record espouses my belief system. As i look around i don't see you. You are to my right someplace. Most of you posts put your Xright. maybe not as far out there as some but Xright just the same.

But if you'd like we can do a test:

1 Are you pro gun control? I'm against gun control ( just like most folks here, i just don't wear it on my sleeve)

2. Are you Pro/con gay marriage? I'm pro gay marriage . I'm with jesus on this one. it is not my place to judge other human beings. I leave that to God. if gay marriage turns out to be a sin against God, well, I guess God will handle it on an individual basis. Meanwhile live and let live. Seriously, i wouldn't want to eff up this late in life. Get to the Pearly Gates and God says, you know those Gay people you persecuted? I loved those people as i love my own son! (rutro!) So you see , i'll leave the heavy lifting to God. And, if he says hey why didn't you try to stop those gay people. my answer is' You created them. Your son taught us not to judge. So you see I'm covered either way.

( please note the christian belief system i espouse here. I'm Irish Catholic. )

other popular issues put me more to the right of center but still centered.

Your turn!

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Silver Member
Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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Whites XLT, Minelab Etrac, Minelab Excal II, At pro
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All Treasure Hunting
let's back it down. let's talk about something else here. Obama did say everyone gets to keep their current health insurance. That hasn't happened. Got any idea why?

The law was written to include minimum standards that all policies have to meet. This was to stop what are known as "open gown policies" Which uses open hospital gowns to express policies that don't have your butt covered. Policies that pay to open you up, but not to close you up. Policies with 60% deductables written into the small print. IOWs policies that aren't worth the paper they are written on. The law specifies this because the health insurance industry has a long storied history of preying on the people who need these policies. IOW, the insurance industry has long ripped these people off. It is these policies that are getting kicked by the new law. Of course that doesn't get any press. And the president as well as the designers of the law got caught off guard by the scope of this problem. But gotta tell ya, the obama haters screaming mad that rip off policies are getting canceled, that doesn't put those people in the best light. I ask is Ok to have a bad policy? Are you for that? So, say what you will about the prez underestimating just how many rip off policies are in force in this country, the law seeks to do the right thing. To make sure that people are no longer ripped off.

It looks like you are typing away just to type.. It is off topic, but you don't get it.. If people like their policies they keep them,, the rest is a rant.


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Jul 27, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Dave i have a very long voting record that puts me just right of center. That record espouses my belief system. As i look around i don't see you. You are to my right someplace. Most of you posts put your Xright. maybe not as far out there as some but Xright just the same.

But if you'd like we can do a test:

1 Are you pro gun control? I'm against gun control ( just like most folks here, i just don't wear it on my sleeve)

2. Are you Pro/con gay marriage? I'm pro gay marriage . I'm with jesus on this one. it is not my place to judge other human beings. I leave that to God. if gay marriage turns out to be a sin against God, well, I guess God will handle it on an individual basis. Meanwhile live and let live. Seriously, i wouldn't want to eff up this late in life. Get to the Pearly Gates and God says, you know those Gay people you persecuted? I loved those people as i love my own son! (rutro!) So you see , i'll leave the heavy lifting to God. And, if he says hey why didn't you try to stop those gay people. my answer is' You created them. Your son taught us not to judge. So you see I'm covered either way.

( please note the christian belief system i espouse here. I'm Irish Catholic. )

other popular issues put me more to the right of center but still centered.

Your turn!

You say your just to right of center, I have you the other direction left of center. You have called me xright, I find that funny as I know a lot of people who think like I do and many are far right of me.

With that said calling me right, right of center, far right or even Xright I take as a compliment any day, just don't ever call me left.

Since your wanting to keep it off topic thread is locked.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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