jeff of pa

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? ?I wanna See IF You Want To Discuss Dowsing Or Argue About It.


To You Disbelievers, IF you Don't Like Whats Here Don't Read It.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? HAPPY DISCUSIONS

*? Marcs Rules Still Apply,14075.msg93871.html#msg93871

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jeff


Jr. Member
Oct 6, 2005
North Carolina

not arguing here, jeff, so please don't take it that way!
but honestly, i'm new to MDing and love to learn whether its about MDing, THing
or dang near anything else! So someone enlighten me here, perhaps explain in laymens
terms about dowsing! i remember as a kid trying dowsing in my front yard and did find
the main water line to the house! LOL! :D And no, i didn't know where it was, but how
could you miss something so major! But taking a gander at other posts, some get pretty technical
on trying to explain dowsing. Perhaps someone could dummy it up for me some?
i see some dowsing rods on these forums that have like 12+ rods configured together...
why? how is modern science playing into this? is that any better than the ole "Y" shaped
branch i saw as a kid? someone enlighten this ole man! :)


Jr. Member
Oct 6, 2005
North Carolina

and yes, i've read some of the other dpwsing threads, but they just lead me into further
questions! Like i said, not a knock here, just looking for knowledge here!
Like what i heard as a kid was that dowsing works on magnetic principles, where as another
thread in these forums mention mental dowsing. While i am skeptical of Ms. Cleo and the like,
i do have my own personal beliefs and that some things just can't be explained with modern science.
Sure, we may explain them one day, just can't yet. So with that, i'm not knocking mental dowsing either, but which works better, the mental dowsing or dowsing on physical properties?
What other dowsing methods are there? ???

Like i said, NOT a knock here at all! I just keep an open mind and love to learn!
Not saying dowsing does or doesn't work, i'm too ignorant of the subject to know! :P


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004

marc titled this thread " why i think dowsing works" in his original post concerning these two pro/con threads.......well the best reason i can come up with, and the only one that seems to make sense to me without having to sort through the mumbo-jumbo is this ;; dowsing works because the great creator instilled this ability into each of us, whether for survival , or just because, i don't know or care. the ability is in me and i intend to use it as often and as best as i can and would encourage anyone else interested to try and do the same. be it mental, physical, electromagnetic, or any other reason people come up with as to why it works it all comes down to the creator, without whom, none of us would even be here, much less be able to for the tools involved, a simple hanger or wire, a 15 or 30 point rod, a needle and thread, whatever, is not as important as the dowser, and what he is comfortable using, is what matters.........just because you are using a 15 point aluminum rod should not make you feel superior or more knowledgable that someone who uses a 21 cent coathanger, as the power in us is the same, and the equipment used is just a choice, be it from trial and error, or just the way it fits our hands..................dowse, then dowse some more, and be happy.........gldhntr


Jr. Member
Oct 6, 2005
North Carolina

hehe, i feel ya!
honestly, i will probably do better with my MD, but i WILL go out and try dowsing!
good to know someones not trying to push me buying some expensive device they've
created! when i go out to try, i wanted to use the same thing i tried as a kid... the Y shaped
branch fresh from a tree.
while not knowledgable on dowsing or its principles, i do think there could be something on
the magnetic priciples in regards to dowsing. so while i may not find something as small as a
half dime, i could find underground water or maybe a cache of something! but all in all, even if
i don't fnd a thing, i got outside, enjoyed the weather, got some exercise and had some fun!
Enjoying all He laid out before me is a treasure in itself! ;D


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner

Hey guy's........Give it a try. Thats the only way you will know for sure. The thread called Want to try Dowsing is the way it works for me. People can argue but I think it is a personal thing. I have been in the field with other dowsers who use a different system than myself and we all made finds. When you find that Dowsing works you will need to pactice a lot until you understand what the rods are telling you........Art


Jr. Member
Oct 15, 2005

from The Successful Treasure Hunter's Essential Dowsing Manual

No one knows how dowsing works, they only know it does. There are two popular theories to explain dowsing: the first suggests that dowsing works as a result of natural phenomena. Buried metal, minerals and underground water causes either a magnetic field or a disturbance in the Earth?s own magnetic field. It is thought the dowsing rod is an amplifying tool for showing the reaction of the magnetic field in the ground to the natural magnetic field of the body.
This theory was investigated scientifically in Logan, Utah, USA, around 30 years ago. Intrigued by a dowser pinpointing the bodies of two boys who drowned in a local river, Duane G. Chadwick, professor at the Utah State University Water Research Laboratory undertook several experiments to see if there was some scientific basis for dowsing. Chadwick and his colleague, Larry Jensen started from the known observations of geologists that underground water can cause anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field. They figured that dowsers could show sensitivity to these anomalies by involuntary muscular movement in the wrists and dowsing rods would certainly amplify any small muscular reaction by up to 300 times.
In the first of a series of experiments, on the Campus, they set about testing the idea that dowsing reactions might coincide with the spots where some changes occurred in the Earth's magnetic field. Chadwick and Jensen laid out a straight track, free of obstructions and, using a caesium vapour magnetometer, checked for variations in the Earth?s magnetic field at one-foot intervals. Chadwick then buried a length of wire, in a neutral area, to distort the magnetic field. Twenty-five people were recruited to walk the test course. Few of them were dowsers; most were students or university staff. They were given a pair of L-shaped rods made out of clothes-hanger wire, and told to hold them out roughly horizontal. If they felt any kind of reaction, they were to stop and put down a small block of wood. The results were amazing in that 23 of the participants had a dowsing reaction within three feet of the buried wire. As Chadwick remarked: ?With odds like that you could break the bank.?
In another experiment in North Logan City Park, Chadwick and Jensen marked out a test course with no obvious or known features. This time, the test was double blind - nothing was deliberately buried and no one knew what was out there. 150 participants with dowsing rods were asked to drop a wooden block whenever they experienced a dowsing reaction and again almost everyone did. They dropped an average of 11.3 blocks each and the location of each block was documented. Then Chadwick and Jensen went over the course with two magnetometers mounted, at different heights, on a wooden sled. The difference between the magnetometer readings showed the variation in the magnetic field along the track walked by the dowsers. The researchers then graphed the magnetometer readings against the positions of the wooden blocks, which showed again that the dowsing reactions occurred unmistakably at peaks in the magnetic field.
The Second theory is that dowsing works through the arts of the paranormal; an explanation used to account for the ability of some dowsers to find objects which are thought not to produce or influence magnetic fields. As far as field dowsing (i.e. dowsing in close proximity to the object or substance being sought) is concerned, the paranormal theory is probably in error since it has been shown that virtually everything, be it animal, vegetable or mineral, reacts to magnetic fields.
Map dowsing is something else. How does a person dowse a map to successfully locate a target hundreds or thousands of miles away? There are many unanswered questions along the same lines, which are commonly put down to psychic ability or intuition. Mankind does not know everything. Much science fact today was the science fiction and mysticism of the past and dowsing has undoubtedly survived from primitive times when the ability to find water, for instance, could have meant the difference between life and death.
To my mind there are actually two types of dowsing. Field dowsing based on magnetic effects and map dowsing or distance dowsing based on intuition or psychic ability. The two types of dowsing are quite different and both types can be learned and improve with perseverance and practice. Either type, used alone can bring impressive results; put the two together and the results can be spectacular.

Hope this helps​


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004

great post midas,, i've been trying to point people towards chadwick and jensens experiments for a while now so they could see the positive results encountered, by a skeptic...well, jensen was.......not so sure about that now though......gunner, you got the right idea, take what nature has provided and accomplish things you were meant to.......i learned to dowse from an old timer, all he would use was dogwood, juniper, or another wood i can't remember...he always found what he was after..didn't cost him a cent.......i have spent the money on the ''extra-ordinary contraptions'', but found a couple simple braising rods give better service, and cost alot favorite thing to do is just walk through a deep, desolate, never used looking sort of place and dowse for ''items buried by man'' is amazing what i have found and where.............................gldhntr


Noble Metal


I would like to Thank Jeff for what he has just done. Thanks Jeff an Marc. Thanks for all.


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner

I suggest learning and practicing one method, either Mental, or Physical Dowsing, before learning and practicing the other.

I will second that statement....As a physical dowser it is important to be aware of the mental asspect of dowsing. I have my rules ( I guess thats what they are ) that I follow to keep the mental part out. I test my mental ability from time to time and if I ever find something that will improve my dowsing I may start using it........Art

max finkelstein

Jr. Member
Sep 28, 2005

Hey Midas, nice posting and half accurate. Here is the other half of the truth ,? Enjoy
The Goldfields

Some time later, after several years in gold mining areas in the bush chasing long leads and quartz reefs of which the gold dust laden long leads and nuggetty bearing quartz reefs are? still hidden there in abundance, I gave that exercise away as every inch of likely areas are under existing mining leases.
? ? ?
? ? It wasn?t pleasant when I was chased off a private property in Castlemain Victoria by a so called friend when I informed the owner that they had an immensely rich huge quartz reef with only a short pipe lead rising to within a hand-span of the surface.

? The oval shaped pipe lead was 3 to 4 paces in width, with blackish gold dust content increasing as the vertical pipe got deeper; the grey pipe judging by the clanging of my shovel was about 6 inches or 15 centimeters thick.

? It is a huge pipe lead, and the area for hundreds of acres surrounding this property has been stripped of all gold dust bearing top soil which was fed by this quartz reef eroding gold dust over millions of years.

? A dozen paces south was a quartz reef deep lead at a depth of about 15 feet and the reef still had plenty of nuggety gold and layers angling down as far as I could dowse. The 19th century miners had stopped stripping the top-soil when they reached bedrock clay.

? They had only 3 inches to go down to this particular pipe-lead and stopped short, or they possibly did not know what a pipe lead was.? ? There are several layers of gold in the inclining quartz reef, and they each feel many inches thick.

? There is no evidence of underground or open mining in the area, so if any other rich reefs are in the vicinity, they have not been found. I must drop in one day and see if the property has changed hands.

? When I told the owners of their good fortune they couldn?t get rid of me quick enough Gold appears to bring out the worst in some folks and it would be easy for me to write a book on my discoveries in the golden triangle of central Victoria. However my most vivid memories are of the heat, mosquitoes, snakes of sometimes enormous length and girth of the black and tiger variety, and the sheer inhospitality of the gold fields. I take my hat off to the diggers in the 19th century, who persisted under such appalling conditions.

Other lasting memories are of dowsing in the bush early in the mornings with perfect clarity underground, only to discover by mid morning my wires were dead, and discovering late in the afternoon that my wires were again alive.

? ?I experienced these anomalies on many outings and never discovered that the sun and the scrub were wiping out the magnetic flux that powers my wires, incorrect headgear and that the moon had not yet risen or just gone below the horizon.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Dowsing clues
? ?These discoveries were to take many years, as there are definitely no books on the subject. Whilst dowsing with my right hand I should have taken great care to pull my floppy bush hat down firmly over my left ear to prevent the suns UV rays from wiping? out my dowsing, plus dowsing with my left ear away on the far side of my body away from the sun if possible.

? If I was fortunate enough to be dowsing with an overhead moon and receiving ample dowsing power, and as most of the golden triangle which was the source of huge gold recoveries in the 19th century is heavily treed, I was still no better off, as a good percentage of the time I did not realize until I developed my latest dowsing rod that DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT with an overhead moon is absolutely essential.

Shade from overhead trees, foliage and buildings must be avoided at all times. Knee and waist high bushes or grass will greedily suck out all your dowsing ability and make you feel mentally as weak as a non dowser. AS an ardent vegetable grower I have been aware fore many years that cauliflowers can double their size overnight wiith a full moon.
I vividly recall recently on a dark moonless night that my dowsing rod was silent in a hilly paddock. I was waiting for a full moon to come up over the horizon.? ? 1999
?? ? ? ? ?I was just becoming aware of the moons utter mportance and there was a huge tree on the brow of the hill, and as the moon rose up behind the foliage of the tree and a glow of moonlight trickled though the branches, my rod gave a mental tickle until the moon was clear of the tree when I suddenly had fulldowsing power. If you ignore the above basic rules you are wasting your time reading on if you had wished to learn dowsing. Also I will be able to guage the reaction of the type of readers on this forum as i might be talking above their heads and I shouldnt be here.


Jr. Member
Jan 13, 2006

I was one of those 150 who walked the course at USU. I think it was summer '76? not sure. Might have been '75....Oh well.



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner

The skeptics will tell you that these study's don't count as the students were not informed that it was a dowsing test. I have showen Boy Scouts and FAA members how to locate water and sewer lines and almost all of them can find them. I tell them that it is important that when they buy a home they can determine where to plant a big tree. If they plant in the wrong place it will cost them big bucks to fix the damage done by the roots....Art


Sr. Member
Sep 20, 2004
Kingman AZ

As an MD'er I have heard of dowsing . I tried it ONCE in a very controlled situation . I was handed 2 dowsing rods . They were a total of 18 inches long . 4inches were bent down so as to hold them and 14 inches stuck out . A brake drum from a VW was laid on the ground and I walked toward it s-l-o-w-l-y . When the rods got over it they crossed . I paid close attention when doing it a second time so as to be sure I wasn't doing it myself . The rods were made of brass sooooo I'm thinking that if I go to a welding supply store and buy some braising rod and cut and bend them I will have a set of rudimentary tools . Now without clogging my brain TOO much what would be some preliminary tests that I could do in order to establish if I "got it" or I "don't"?


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006

I'd like to point out that the type of metal the rods are made of, or whether you use pendulums, L-rods, or a forked stick doesn't matter. For the rods (or other devise) are just pieces of medal or wood.

It is you that really is dowsing. The rods are only physical signs of what you, subconciously, already know.

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