Pull over,I have to search the car

I am sure I will catch a lot of crap for this SpiritRelic - you were outright asking for it by simply not rolling down the window so the Officer could see everything that could possibly threaten him. I didn't bother watching the rest of your VID because it was obvious what you were doing. Heck, 53 officer's have already been killed in the line of duty for 2013. Next time you need a Police Officer because YOU feel threatened - call your lawyer.

Thats not Spirit Relic in video.just a kindred spirit.(Relic correct me if i,m wrong.)

This is a perfect example of a little knowledge is dangerous. You Spiritrelic caused all this upon yourself. All of your arguments went out the window when you interfered with the officers investigation. All of this could of been avoided if you simply had rolled down the windows instead of treating the cop like he was a criminal. Once you failed to comply with this simple request, You were than acting suspicious and put the cop into overdrive. Next time Roll the window down so the cop can see inside the car, and hand over your license. If you are driving a car you have the obligation to have a drivers license on you at all times.

This was not an unwarranted traffic stop, you willingly drove up to a DUI check point. What did you think they were going to do? They simply ask for your ID where you are going and where you are coming from to determine if you are drunk, have a valid license, or have out standing warrants. Normally this stop takes less than 30 seconds and you are on your way....

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Thanks for showing the gestapo tactics that are used today. I have recently had similar experiences and I'm 51. My passengers were lied to and told they were required to carry id at all times. Couldn't help but think of KGB and "Papers please!" I went home and looked it up and no one is required to even identify themselves unless charged with a crime.
I guess we need them but it's too bad that so many have no integrity and routinely abuse their authority and infringe on our rights. I think good cops are the minority now days and most are like the aholes you ran into. I can't stand to watch the show Cops anymore. I find myself pulling for the "bad guys" most every episode after listening to the hot dog cops and seeing them order people around.
And the dog... dont get me started. UUghh! You are right. They don't need to be trained at all other than to bark on command.
Yes you were driving and maybe in your case you did'nt help things but I appreciate the info.

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cop even said somewhere around the 5 Minute point.
While searching

"He's perfectly innocent & he knows his rights"

but he continued to Ransack the car :(

He's lucky the cop didn't have something in his Shirt pocket to slide out as he was searching.
I guess probably because they had a dog on scene,
Having evidence to plant could have been dangerous for them.

Fact camera was rolling the whole time makes me think staged though & not real cops. they didn't find the camera or check other side, unless
video cut short. & why would they cut it short ?

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This makes me think of getting stopped on a 2 lane Georgia hwy with my 78 yr old white haired step-mom. We're wearing our nice Sunday-go-to-meeting dresses, matching purses, the bible on her lap, the officer stops us, says they're checking cars and need to see our ID.
LAWL! We bust out laughing, advise him we know we look like major felons, reach for our purses........
We couldn't even get them open before he starts laughing too, and tells us to go on. LOL!

You spelled "America" wrong. in this instance you should have used "Amerika"!! You are correct, they had no right to abuse their power and deprive you of your rights. They have no right to search your car if you were not committing any crimes. Not doing something that they ask isn't in itself a crime and you did lower your window and talk to them. Don't even get me going about the recent rash of over zealous police and their limited knowledge of the law abusing the rights of citizens. If I were you I'd bring a suit against the police involved just to see that they are properly educated in constitutional law. I probably would have rolled down the window myself, but they did act improperly, and it is amazing that they never asked you about alcohol consumption which was the so-called "reason" for the road block. These road blocks are reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Russia and they abuse their privileges often at these inroads on our freedoms. We as citizens are innocent until proven guilty and they have no right to assume one is hiding contraband just because they don't like the way one looks. Intimidation seems to be the routine for many police these days, and that is a wrong attitude and an illegal one for them to indulge in. What ever happened to police officers being polite?? What happened to "protect and SERVE"?? They are not "protecting" anybody by bullying innocent folks and abusing their powers. I could see them giving you a hard time if your breath smelled like alcohol or if you were showing other signs of drunkenness by slurring your words, but not if you weren't. Otherwise they should have just flagged you on and continued looking for a real perp. I'd also see if you can make them pay for damage to your car. Every week there are articles about police caught driving drunk and often they are involved in accidents that cause harm to innocent people. There cannot be a dual standard or the result will be a total loss of respect for the law.

As a pcl, you already know my thoughts on this type of stuff.

Now be good guys and line up to pee in a bottle in order to get a job, or not.

I don't know what "pcl" is dave,(Politically Correct ..? ) but I hope that's not
someone that gets paid to watch men pee :(
as I don't wish to offend you here.

however, Trust me I have nothing in my system I need to worry about,
But I would never accept a job where some disgusting Pervert who
applied for a job, because he wants to watch men relieve themselves in a cup,
and / or play with the urine after in order to run / ruin
peoples lives. I'd walk just on the mention of it.

and no I wouldn't tell him where to kiss, as he may take it as an invite :(

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#1....Unless you are under suspicion of committing a crime you do not have to show a cop squat.
#2....Police cannot legally search your car unless you committed a crime,they have probable cause, or ,you give them permission.If a cop wants to search your car and you say no and the cop says "if you have nothing illegal then you have nothing to worry about",just reply "if I have nothing illegal or to worry about then why do you want to search my car".
#3....You do not have to answer a cops questions unless you committed or are under suspicion of a crime.

Jeff, I should have spelled it out, pinko, commie liberal. (pcl)

As it is, 99.9% of jobs now a days require one to take a urinalysis prior to employment. That to me would be an invasion of my 4th amendment right because it accuses me of using drugs without cause.

Jeff, I should have spelled it out, pinko, commie liberal. (pcl)

As it is, 99.9% of jobs now a days require one to take a urinalysis prior to employment. That to me would be an invasion of my 4th amendment right because it accuses me of using drugs without cause.

OK :thumbsup: Cool ! I never met a "pinko, commie" liberal I didn't like :thumbsup:
it's the misidentification of of liberals as law creating nazis that mess things up :thumbsup:

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Jeff, I should have spelled it out, pinko, commie liberal. (pcl)

As it is, 99.9% of jobs now a days require one to take a urinalysis prior to employment. That to me would be an invasion of my 4th amendment right because it accuses me of using drugs without cause.

The first time they tried to drug test the country in the early eighties, it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.....and I thought what a good country to live in, but they kept trying until some how it became ok.:dontknow:

Smoke a joint on the weekend with some friends, lose your job 2 weeks later.:BangHead:

I think that DUI checkpoints should be illegal to begin with. Where are we, Nazi Germany? What gives the cops the right to block the flow of traffic on any road and randomly check any citizen for anything at all? DUI checkpoints... That in itself is an injustice.

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