“The people, all people equally on earth, have... ALL THE BANKERS MONEY!

Rebel - KGC

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Jun 15, 2007
Just a personal note: The deeper I dig the worse it gets. Makes me sick to my stomach to realize how evil the world really is. Not you and me, them. The ones who tell us black is white knowing full well it isn't. Without regard, without remorse totally faithful to their sick plan. And it goes back so many centuries. Many before us have told the truth. Behind all is a single person. Even now his organization faints and thrusts and fills our head with distortions. I hope and pray that one of his trusted advisors will see the light and save humanity from this wretch.



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Who is "them" and who is the one person? Am I a "them". If so ill tell you all the secrets. Let me know.



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More rumors. This latest one does sound feasible and workable. I am so fed up with all the BS news and promises, I "hope" this one has merit. As usual, we will be the last to ever know what happens. Other than it being Our Money, why would we care? Personally I am sitting back, watching and learning waiting for someone to tell me what to do.

Today it's scratch pancakes, bacon and NASCAR. Enjoy your day too folks...

[h=3]From Rumor Mill news......Final Mode is Now Revolutionary[/h] by Gemini » Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:49 pm

From Rumor Mill news......Final Mode is Now Revolutionary Emergency Mode

I'm not sure of Validity...Thought I'd post

http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=268919

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Heneghan - Final Mode is Now Revolutionary Emergency Mode

Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 9-Feb-2013 22:47:32
Saturday February 9, 2013

Heneghan - Final Mode is Now Revolutionary Emergency Mode

by Tom Heneghan - International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. military has ordered 1969 U.S. currency reference $20 bills into immediate circulation.

Note: These $20 bills have sat in the U.S. Treasury for over 44 years.

The action by the U.S. military was warranted when they discovered that the TREASONOUS U.S. Federal Reserve has been secretly and illegally laundering U.S. Taxpayers' funds to European banks reference RBS Scotland and the German Deutsche Bank.

The Fed illegally sent $237 BILLION to the aforementioned European banks to consolidate derivative holdings (that are basically worthless) with a tie in to criminal U.S. banking institutions JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and New York Citibank.

Item: The Federal Reserve has been forbidden by U.S. Supreme Court order and the IMF from comingling Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

We can now divulge that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has discovered that 80% of the U.S. currency that was surreptitiously laundered to the Royal Bank of Scotland and the German Deutsche Bank by the bald headed punk Bernanke was counterfeit.

P.S. What the TREASONOUS Bernanke was trying to do was mark up the illegal cross-collateralized derivatives of Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland with basically counterfeit U.S. dollars and, accordingly, exposing the citizens of the United States to total financial destruction.

Translation: At this hour, what this all means is that the euro denominated derivative debt, which now exposes not only European banks but U.S. banks, is backed by counterfeit currency.

P.P.S. Sources close to U.S. military and the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force, which intends to liberate the American People from this vicious criminal occupation, want to immediately arrest Bernanke, detain Obama and imprison the entire Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate blood line.

They also want to shut down the corporate fascist, extortion friendly, criminal bank controlled U.S. media immediately.

In closing, a source close to the U.S. military, which we can now identify as a sources close to the revolutionary team, says the situation is not serious it is BEYOND SERIOUS!

As Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. still remains the year 2000 duly elected, non inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.


The Fed's Bailout of Europe Continues With Record $237 Billion Injected Into Foreign Banks in Past Months


Tom Heneghan (Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefing) on Myspace



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As incredible as it seems, this may be "Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here."
Plus other stuff use your own judgement.

The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with the successor of current pope Benedict XVI, a pope described in the prophecy as “Peter the Roman”, whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.

[h=2]The Final Pope is Here. Petrus Romanus[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean
Published on Apr 18, 2012
Thanks to js.
Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here.
Learn more at:
Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope and the Antichrist Are Here
Interview with Tom Horn about the Final Pope Prophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophec

Posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political | Tagged Catholic Church, Petrus Romanus, Pope, Prophecy of the Popes, Rome, Saint Malachy, St. Malachy, Tom Horn | 3 Comments

[h=2]Prophecy of the Popes : Petrus Romanus the False Prophet[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean
Published on Dec 6, 2012
Thanks to js
Author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy, Tom Horn, discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes, and how 2012 will be the fulfillment of St. Malachy’s prediction that the Catholic Church will see one final Pope before its destruction. Almost 900 years ago, the Irish seer, St. Malachy, came to Rome and “suddenly had this frenzied vision in which he wrote down the descriptives of every Pope that would ever exist from his day to the final Pope,” Horn reported. According to Malachy’s prophesied list, the next Pope after the current one (Pope Benedict) will be the last one, #112. This final Pope, Petrus Romanus (or Peter the Roman) will lead the Church into the great tribulation period and the destruction of Rome. Some Catholic mystics believe he will be an infiltrator under Satanic control. Evangelical prophecy refers to this person as the “False Prophet” who helps to usher in the Antichrist, Horn continued.
If an Italian is voted in as the next Pope, that could be the fulfillment of Malachy’s prophecy, Horn noted, adding that a number of church scholars going back hundreds of years have cited 2012 as the year when the False Prophet emerges. This timing coincides with other prophetic material such as from the Mayans, and Cherokee, as well as the Kabbalah’s Zohar book, which named 2012 as the year when the Messiah returns, he detailed. Further, in 1951, a French Jesuit named Rene Thibaut, a codebreaker and mathematician, verified the accuracy of Malachy’s predictions, and calculated that Petrus Romanus would arrive in 2012.
Horn also spoke about the late Father Malachi Martin’s warning of a secret plan by the “Illuminati/Freemasons” to infiltrate the Vatican and use it to bring about a New World Order. A friend of Martin’s, Father Alfred Kunz, was murdered, and Martin believed he was killed by Satanists at the Vatican. The case is still unsolved, and Horn has investigated the possible conspiracy. For more, check out this video trailer, for his new book, Petrus Romanus.
Tom Horn is a researcher and freelance writer whose Raiders News Update reports have been referred to by writers of the L.A. Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of news magazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom has appeared on numerous programs worldwide and once served as national spokesperson for Cloud Ten Picture’s Movie “Deceived,” starring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson. Tom’s new book, The Ahriman Gate is VMI Publishers’ best selling book.
The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with the successor of current pope Benedict XVI, a pope described in the prophecy as “Peter the Roman”, whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.
Final part of the Prophecy in Lignum Vitae (1595) p.311
The prophecy was first published in 1595 by Arnold de Wyon, a Benedictine historian, as part of his book Lignum Vitæ. Wyon attributed the list to Saint Malachy, the 12th‑century bishop of Armagh in Ireland. According to the traditional account, in 1139, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II. While in Rome, Malachy purportedly experienced a vision of future popes, which he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases. This manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archive, and thereafter forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590.
On the other hand, Bernard of Clairvaux’s biography of Malachy makes no mention of the prophecy, nor is it mentioned in any record prior to its 1595 publication. Some sources, including the most recent editions of the Catholic Encyclopedia, suggest that the prophecy is a late 16th‑century forgery. Some have suggested that it was created by Nostradamus and was credited to Saint Malachy so the purported seer would not be blamed for the destruction of the papacy. Supporters, such as author John Hogue, who wrote a popular book titled The Last Pope about the claims, generally argue that, even if the author of the prophecies is uncertain, the predictions are still valid

Posted in Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption | 2 Comments

[h=2]Keiser Report: The Birth of a Scandal (E403)[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean
Published on Feb 7, 2013
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Wall Street schmatas now warning of bondpocalypse as bonds now considered ‘risky’ investment. They also discuss both George Osborne’s electric fence of new financial regulatory powers which are same as the old powers that have never actually been used against the too big to fail banks and the London lawyers suggesting that the level of manipulation of Libor was so great that contracts tied to the rate should be considered null and void. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to John Butler, Chief Investment Officer at Amphora Capital, about the bond market, currency vigilantes and the not very hidden inflation.

Posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political | Tagged George Osborne, London, Max Keiser, Wall Street | Leave a comment

[h=2]‘US sanctions against Iran create bad blood’ – Russian UN Envoy[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean
Published on Feb 10, 2013
Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin sat down with RT in an exclusive interview to discuss the wave of instability spreading across North Africa and the Middle East, the common threats we all face, and how dialogue is the only way forward. From the threat of a unilateral strike against Iran, the raging civil war in Syria, French intervention in Mali, and Libyan spillover that further threatens to ignite greater conflict in an already volatile region, the international community is faced with a series of complex challenges that offer no simple solutions.
Related articles !!

Posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political | Tagged Iran, Mali, Middle East, North Africa, RT, Russia, United Nations, Vitaly Churkin | Leave a comment

[h=2]PressTV: Israel’s Barak makes surprise visit to Washington[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean
Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak
Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:5PM GMT
Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak has made a surprise visit to the United States, days before top Netanyahu aids’ trip to the country.
According to a report published by the Israeli newspaperHaaretz, the outgoing minister has left for Washington on Monday.
Barak’s office said the minister is planning to meet with senior officials in the Pentagon and the US Intelligence Community (IC). However, the real purpose of his trip is still not clear.
According to the report, the Israeli minister visits Washington at a strange time when he is planning to retire from politics in just a few weeks.
Barak’s trip also comes as Yaakov Amidror and Yitzhak Molcho, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s top advisers, will reportedly travel to Washington later this week to prepare the ground for US President Barack Obama’s first visit to Israel since taking office.
On February 5, the White House announced that Obama plans to visit Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this spring, without giving any exact date for the trip.

Posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political | Tagged Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Israel, United States, Washington, West Bank, Yitzhak Molcho | Leave a comment

[h=2]The Oracle Report – Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Awakening, February 11, 2013[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean

New Moon Phase - Moon in Pisces

Internet problems and various other annoying issues had me offline for a couple of days so I will summarize what’s going on:
The New Moon energy had conjunctions of Neptune, Mars, Chiron, Mercury, and the Moon – all in Pisces (water) - and squaring Jupiter (which expands everything to the greatest possible degree. It’s a deluge of emotions (water). It brings an insanity of wreckless abandonment, bursts of simmering rage, instinctual impulses to escape and escape fast, pain, and something akin to the Furies. This would have been the warning about the New Moon energy that fell in line Saturday and Sunday.
We are still under these effects and we need to slow things down. There is a tendency to drive very fast and not even know it. But the main thing is dealing with our emotions, not denying or escaping them. Even the most even-keeled, emotionally grounded individuals might be challenged by the intensity of emotions. Wrtiing can help things flow much better. Any type of creative art that is employed to channel emotions will have “magical” properties (power). With all of this you have to think like a Pisces. If you are finding this not much fun, you understand what it is like to be a Pisces. It’s complicated. But the power to express/create beauty – in all its forms – and attune to Spirit is unrivalled. Pisces energy is handled best when it is spiritually connected but also creating something from it (even a thought).
Note: Discussion of the Mahavidyas will flip over to the Mahavidya Project website at www.mahavidyaproject.com where I will post material over the next few days.

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The Oracle Report

Posted in Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption | 1 Comment

[h=2]The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.[/h] Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean

Alcuin Bramerton

AB notes: The visible fallout has begun:
[1] Queen Beatrix (Bilderberg / Royal Dutch Shell) abdicates.
[2] Senior Rockefellers escape to their island refuge near Fiji, leaving clones and lookalike holograms in the US.
[3] Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger – Nazi P2 Lodge Satanist) resigns.

There are many élite Satanist families staring down the legal vortex of exposure. Eyes up for the QE2 (Elizabeth Windsor – Elizabeth II of England) imminent abdication. The old reptilian bloodline families are trying to avoid the blame by getting out before the postman calls, and praying that the legal letters will be passed on to someone else.

The Rockefeller syndicate has destroyed the Bush syndicate (US Nazi-continuum) and is nearing completion (it thinks) of the destruction of the Rothschild fiat paper banking empire. But the Rothschilds are still standing and may flip-flop to the Light (real or theatrically) if push becomes shove. It’s rats fighting in the sack. Mutual assured destruction. Push is becoming shove and shove is becoming crunch.

Before the Rockefellers fled the US, they stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold. Both these Rockefeller acts have caused the Chicago syndicate in DC (Obama et al) numerous day-to-day cashflow and legal headaches.

The 3/11 Japanese Tsunami (nukes on submarine fault line) was not a warning to Japan; it was a warning to the Rockefellers about their Fiji vulnerability.

All the royal families and their shadow banksters are bricking in the closet, afraid to go to sleep at night. Their worst nightmares are returning alive with an unclean bite to the heart.

CIA rogue faction pointman, US “Ambassador” Christopher Stevens, was calculatedly placed in danger on a baited hook in Benghazi to track who he would scream to for help. His screams led to the exposure of the syndicate behind the Japanese tsunami, and the constructed dismissals of twenty six senior US military and intelligence personnel, including David Petraeus, who were organically linked to the Nazi Odessa network headed by George Bush Sr.

The US Nazi-continuum was planning to start World War Three by sinking their own aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf theatre 911-style and, with the help of AIPAC/Zionist Israel, to blame it on Iran. With some help from positive security factions in Old Europe, Russia, China and Turkey prevented this outcome.

There are important factions within the IMF and Interpol who are being very positive, now, in progressing global affairs towards the international currency re-sets and a benevolent, free-energy outcome for all.

background here and here.

Alcuin and Flutterby



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As incredible as it seems, this may be "Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here."
Plus other stuff use your own judgement.

The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with the successor of current pope Benedict XVI, a pope described in the prophecy as “Peter the Roman”, whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.

| 1 Comment

The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.

Posted on February 11, 2013 by Jean

Alcuin Bramerton

AB notes: The visible fallout has begun:
[1] Queen Beatrix (Bilderberg / Royal Dutch Shell) abdicates.
[2] Senior Rockefellers escape to their island refuge near Fiji, leaving clones and lookalike holograms in the US.
[3] Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger – Nazi P2 Lodge Satanist) resigns.

There are many élite Satanist families staring down the legal vortex of exposure. Eyes up for the QE2 (Elizabeth Windsor – Elizabeth II of England) imminent abdication. The old reptilian bloodline families are trying to avoid the blame by getting out before the postman calls, and praying that the legal letters will be passed on to someone else.

The Rockefeller syndicate has destroyed the Bush syndicate (US Nazi-continuum) and is nearing completion (it thinks) of the destruction of the Rothschild fiat paper banking empire. But the Rothschilds are still standing and may flip-flop to the Light (real or theatrically) if push becomes shove. It’s rats fighting in the sack. Mutual assured destruction. Push is becoming shove and shove is becoming crunch.

Before the Rockefellers fled the US, they stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold. Both these Rockefeller acts have caused the Chicago syndicate in DC (Obama et al) numerous day-to-day cashflow and legal headaches.

The 3/11 Japanese Tsunami (nukes on submarine fault line) was not a warning to Japan; it was a warning to the Rockefellers about their Fiji vulnerability.

All the royal families and their shadow banksters are bricking in the closet, afraid to go to sleep at night. Their worst nightmares are returning alive with an unclean bite to the heart.

CIA rogue faction pointman, US “Ambassador” Christopher Stevens, was calculatedly placed in danger on a baited hook in Benghazi to track who he would scream to for help. His screams led to the exposure of the syndicate behind the Japanese tsunami, and the constructed dismissals of twenty six senior US military and intelligence personnel, including David Petraeus, who were organically linked to the Nazi Odessa network headed by George Bush Sr.

The US Nazi-continuum was planning to start World War Three by sinking their own aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf theatre 911-style and, with the help of AIPAC/Zionist Israel, to blame it on Iran. With some help from positive security factions in Old Europe, Russia, China and Turkey prevented this outcome.

There are important factions within the IMF and Interpol who are being very positive, now, in progressing global affairs towards the international currency re-sets and a benevolent, free-energy outcome for all.


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Naturally this has been all over the news? February 22nd will be an important date but in the meantime, tomorrows State of the Union Address should be cracker-jack. I especially enjoyed the Pope's spokesperson spinning that Lightning striking the Vatican is a Good Sign from God. I haven't read about what the BUsh confessions were. Oh, maybe it's because the Pope was behind most funding for Bush. And Queen Liz also.

As for the sounds of war, probably just that, but who knows. These last remaining global powers will kill each other to survive and win.

Have you read anything about the Japan quake being caused by a Nuke(s) dropped on the fault zone? I mean, who could or would be able to do that? Submarine and Nukes. Hmmm.
More to all these stories for sure. Too bad we have to search the world on the web to find out what's happening in our own backyard.

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][h=2]02/12/2013[/h] [h=3]Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130211: Tanks sent towards Beijing in internal Chinese rift, Pope quits after Bush confessions[/h] The Chinese New Year of the Snake has begun and the new regime will soon begin its work in earnest. The White Snake, symbolized by the White Dragon and representing the Life Force, will complete the subjugation of the Satanic black snake of death and destruction. The resignation of the serial child rapist pope maledict will mean the selection of a new Pope to be named Peter the Roman. He will be the last Roman pope because after him Christianity and Catholicism will no longer be a purely Roman institution.

The battle to take down Satanism also led to high tension in China. The severe power struggle between the Shanghai faction and the Communist Party Youth League factions that preceded the selection of the current government was so severe that at one point tanks were sent toward Beijing by the Shanghai faction, according to a Chinese government agent. The result is that many in China now feel a small war, most likely with Japan, is needed to restore government unity, he said. The push towards war is also being promoted vigorously by the Sabbatean mafia through their corporate propaganda networks in Hong Kong and Tokyo. However, cooler heads at high levels in both Japan and China are working on a compromise that may lead to the independence of the Okinawan archipelago, according to Asian secret society sources. The same people are pushing for the governments of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea and China to supply staff for a new regional organization.

In the US as well, a severe power struggle is underway that led to the overnight arrest, and subsequent release, of many high level CIA and pentagon staffers, according to a CIA source.

The British Monarchy, too, is the scene of high level struggle

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys




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On the way. Mine and your personal money accounts. Start dreaming! As everyone will share in the benefits, my family and relatives will also be taken care of. That leaves myself and SWMBO to mull it over. Probably a couple weeks to absorb and understand what happened. Not a Carnival Cruise.

Possibly at a nice resort somewhere. Don't really get what will happen other than good news for all of us.

Wait a minute.. I am thinking of that new Minelab super dooper detector that a friend showed me. So nice! Sure while my honey is in the pool, I'll check out the picnic areas. An older resort. That's the ticket. Can hardly wait..............

[h=2]Poofness 2-17-13…”The Signs of the Times…”[/h] Posted on 2013/02/17 by kauilapele

  • …this past week produced some things that tell you there is nothing ‘normal’ afoot.
  • …what’s coming at the world with these global settlements… Even DC has to wait on the button to get pushed and in many instances they know less than I do.
  • One group has the power to release the accounts, not any politicians, kings or queens…not even the pope.. the gold has already been moved to the 6 new trading zones around the world.
  • This is not about politics… This is about world justice for humanity and the world marshals will be enforcing the new global accords.
  • We’re in good shape and our freedom will come like that lightning bolt that hit the vatican. Sudden, little to no warning.
  • Don’t try any creative ventures to get around the new stuff, you will fail. They will shut you down.
  • The rvs, drops, and announcements will come almost at the same time, which come in concert with the chinese.

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