
  1. The pooch who finally caught the car 😀

    I finally caught that car! Now what do I do with it? lol Still need to tweak my Chapman flux recipe. Too viscous. The results are suboptimal, so I’m crushing the slag, panning, and will try again. However, I’m happy to say that I’m finding little BBs of silver colored, malleable metal in the...
  2. Unusual Lab Assays

    Hi all, I've been looking at some 'exploration work reports' from a company who previously held a claim in an area Im interested in. These reports are published by the government here (Ireland) if the company surrenders the claim, and can be used as am exploration resource by those who come...
  3. Cavern with river full of gold

    I'm looking for a magazine article from the early 70's about two prospectors that found a cavern with a river full of gold in it. It was in either CA or NV. They dynamited the entrance closed and one prospector was killed. The other filed an assay and claim in Reno. If anyone knows of this...