beach detector

  1. Right balance/choice for beginner?

    I have found lot of good info on your site-- But lot of discussions about specific MDs/brands is based on personal history--and most of you agree that much of the success of any specific machine depends on the person actually using that the brain is as much or more important than the MD...
  2. How low can you go? "Good enough" saltwater beach detector?

    I'm gonna spend some time on Costa del sol soon, what better excuse to finally try metal detecting as a hobby :icon_thumleft: I'm fetching my Vibra-Tector 730 from the post office later today. Now because of Spain, i've decided to go all out saltwater beach/underwater in my first real detector...
  3. Last 3 Beach hunts with a little surprise!

    I've hit the beach close to me here in Charleston about 3 times. First time was just for an hour because of the bugs tearing me up. My Second time out was a lot more productive. Found quite a bit of clad and one great find. It was a tone i hadn't heard on my cheap beginners detector yet so I...
  4. Virgin beaches in Spain and no detector...I need help with buyng a new Detector

    Hi we live on the Sothern Coast of Spain. We moved to Spain 12 years ago from the UK but since being here have not been detecting!! We are surrounded by literally hundereds of miles of beaches with thousands and thousands of tourists visiting yearly. Since living here I have never seen one...