cival war

  1. Hi, I'm new to this website. Here's is some of my best finds

  2. My recent button finds !!!

    I found a Stippled I Confederate Coat Button back marked Manchester, and a very large flat / dandy button with no markings.
  3. Civil War Token

    So excited to find this AND Found on Memorial Day Weekend! So fun to find stuff but when it’s legible that’s extra cool!

    Here is some miscellaneous lead I’ve dug on the battlefield. A lot of them look like lead artillery sabbot fragments. But my strangest find is this lead tube. I joked with my girlfriend that a soldier carried it on a rope. But in all honesty I’m not sure what it is. I’d love to have this mystery...
  5. Identify, please.

    Hello all. I need help identifying this. I know it doesn't look like much, but to the right eye, it may be something. It was found close to a few more items I found that I believe is tied to the civil war era. I'm also fairly close to where a lot of fighting took place in South Alabama. Thanks...
  6. Hunted an old park. Possible Civil War bullet.

    I hunted an old park today then went to a friends house in the neighborhood near the park. I'm still hunting with a BH beginner detector so the trash was making me work today. I will for sure go back, maybe tomorrow! Here are my finds. ID anything if you can! Thanks y'all! Small Bullet not...
  7. Lead, lead, and more lead... Any ideas why nothing else?

    I have been detecting in an 80 acre row-crop field for the last month or so when the weather has allowed. After about 8 or 9 trips, I've found 50 or so round balls, around 30 Enfields (most dropped but chewed up pretty good by disks over the years), and hundreds of melted pieces of lead ranging...