
  1. Die with coin inside?

    Dug this up the other day at an old home site near saltwater where I previously found 1700s coins. It?s non magnetic and it has weight to it. Might be silver and it?s about the size of a quarter. What do you think?
  2. Find identification needed!

    I dug this massive cast iron something-another about 8-10" deep near a 19th Century home site that I routinely find 1840's-early 1900s iron. This looks more modern, but it was down deep and under roots, so I don't know. Looks like it might be a die/cast of some sort or something machined? My...
  3. Appreciate your Help!

    I found these bulky 'coins' both about same size but totally diff. I wrapped one in foil paper to help see image more clearly.