Because of the weak Dowsing signal I developed the first ever, very sensative magnet rods. In the past these would have been to sensative, but now their usable. For you people that want to try dowsing, follow these instructions, and dowse.
$15 on Amazon, you get 9 ceramic magnets 1/4 × 1/4 × 4...
??? my unit was working fine in Peru using in a museum with fossils and Mammoth tusks.
then tried to use it later and it only showed 0.0 no frequency change.
I need a mother board any info on Bob Yokam's family to try to get parts.
any one want to sell unit pleas let me know thanks
Hello everybody.
As you can tell I'm new to the subject of dowsing but I'm very very interested !!.
for now I'm just training, i hide objects and try to find using my "L rods" and i have succeeded many times, but when i ask my father to hide the objects i never found them even for once, and i...