help me

  1. TreasureMaster going Bananas?!

    My machine has new batteries. It was all over the place though, reading from 0-90. I don’t think it was just the ground because even when I held the machine facing upward toward the sky it kept doing it. I also tried putting my depth settings lower and it kept acting crazy until I put it on ‘1’...
  2. ✅ SOLVED HELP first copper cant ID it anyone with software that can help?

    HELP first copper can't ID it anyone with software that can help? Hey everyone ei am new to the forum but i dug this copper its my very first and i can't make it out i was wondering if anyone has software or "the eye" that can ID this thing without a shadow of a doubt and if able pull any...
  3. Spectra V3. NEED HELP ON THE BEACH!!

    Went out again with the spectra V3 today for just a couple of hours. I do still have trouble with ground balancing the detector in wet sand as the signal seems not to stabilise after pumping to the coil up and down several times. I do not think I'm doing anything wrong, but i also think the...