
  1. Spanish Era Musket Ball???

    Hey Everyone ! Brand new to the website and I’m totally stoked to be here! I’ve been metal detecting for only about 2 years now while being stationed out here in Guam. Just today I went to a favorite spot of mine at an old Spanish Fort called Fort Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, and I think I...
  2. Parodying and rapping Oak Island Treasure.

    We love Oak Island. Bring joy to Treasure-net! What’s the next plan to find this treasure trove? A giant steel wall right across Smiths cove! A task beyond the likes of you and me, To get a couple of pumps and drain the sea. Engineers build it fast but you wouldn’t believe, It leaks like a...
  3. Hello from the island of Guam

    Any diggers out here, would love to hear from you. Lots to explore out here. I would like to hear about any issues you may have encountered with the government as the Historical Society is very protective of the entire island, public and private lands.