lost pegleg

  1. Lost Mines - 1917 [Lost Pegleg]

    Lost Mines Every mining camp has its story of romantic discovery. Those of us who have shared the bivouac of the prospector or the warmth of the stove in a frontier hotel have heard of men that won wealth at a stroke. The poor prospector that went out as Bill or Dick is promoted to Mister or...
  2. Legends of Lost Mines - The Lost Pegleg - 1892

    Legends of Lost Mines – The Lost Pegleg - 1892 W.P.A. Mural - San Francisco A considerable amount of romance attaches to all stories of lost mines. It could not well be otherwise, as the mines spoken of as “lost” are almost invariably in some wild region full of perils of onekind or...
  3. Lost Mines in Arizona - Campfire Tales from 1906

    Lost Mines in Arizona ------- o0o ------- Arizona has no more beautiful legends and traditions than that of lost mines. There are many pretty songs and stories handed down from the early pioneer settlements, but the deepest interest is only fathomed in the songs and stories of lost...
  4. The Lost Mine Articles by Victor Shaw (Earth Science Digest)

    Victor Shaw’s Lost Mine Articles – Earth Science Digest I recently acquired a complete set of the nine lost mine articles written by Victor Shaw and published in Earth Science Digest in 1947 and 1948. Shaw was an experienced gold prospector. He explored the ground where these stories are set...