maker marks

  1. IDENTIFY Makers Mark - Belt Buckle

    I was given this belt buckle and I flipped it over to look at the makers mark. It is stamped with a capitol “I” or possibly a capitol “H” It looks like it was stamped with a single line tool three times. There is a slight overhang off one side of the middle line. Sorry for the small...
  2. Jewelry identification

    Hello all, I am looking for help identifying these makers marks on some jewelry I have. I am new to all of this and any help or guidance in the right direction would be appreciated, thank you =)
  3. need help id this mark and stone plz?

    bought this ring at yard sale.looked nice. nice stone,925 silver, but i cant make out the makers mark? looks like the freemason square and a diamond shape above it? can anyone help? maybe identify the stone too? loooks like smoked qaurts or topaz? sorry but best pics i can get.thanks