old bottles

  1. Anyone have any info on these bottles? History? Found In NZ

    Found one at an op shop, the other two I dug out of an old jetty
  2. Went to a1800's site FOUND BOTTLES!!!

    Hello! I went detecting in a park that had an old one room school house in the 1800's. I didn't find anything metal worth keeping but I found these bottles. The green one isn't that old I don't think... or the brown one with the screw on top (I think it's just a modern beer). But the other brown...
  3. Nice Old 20th Century Bottle Finds from a Local Creek (VIDEO)

    UPDATE: If you don't have time to see the video, I have pictures and descriptions of my favorite finds from Still Pond Creek below. A couple of minutes down the road where I live, there is a river/pond that empties into the Chesapeake Bay called Still Pond Creek. I explore that place a lot with...
  4. My first shot at exploring a Victorian bottle dump - any advice welcome!

    I've never done it before and I don't know much at all about bottles but it was fun and I've already learned a few things. Next time I'll go back with a spade and fork and start digging...I'd welcome any advice and if you saw anything interesting in the video let me know!
  5. Old bottles found need help dating them and where from

    I have at least 100 or more older bottles I have come across here in FL. Here is 2 to start off with more to come. Thanks for your help! White bottle 6oz Green bottle 6 1/2oz
  6. A couple of shelves from this years finds and mysterious tiny mug with scene ID help

    All late 1800's dump finds. Could the mug be a salesman sample? It looks like two people drinking beer on one side and on the other, one guy is passed out getting a beer dumped on his head by the winner of the presumed drinking contest? I would appreciate any information on the miniature mug...