
  1. where to pan for gold in easter of nc

    hi gold panners i live in wake forest and i know by my readings that there is gold in eastern nc like in franklin and louisburg but i have never found any information of mines or people who pan there. please if you live by raleigh nc and you want a partner or a friend just to pan for gold...
  2. FOR EVERYONE, experienced and non-experienced, What do you know about gold?

    This thread hopefully will become a favorite or a saved thread of yours. (It'll be mine for sure!) This thread is for everyone here who is a prospector, to share information about what they know about how gold behaves...And most importantly, where it is found so we can help one another to not...
  3. Hello from Eastern Long Island NY

    As everyone is in need of a hobby I just started a new one. I used to do a bit of mding but I had to stop. I got to good at finding junk and figured I would leave some for the next person, only fair. Now I am into gold prospecting with a focus on Vermont. I do some panning but my real...