
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED unknown item . Jade?sapphire? Help?

    This is not easy to come by iv got plenty of jade I mine myself some newly discovered but This is jade when I eye ball it but it tests higher like serpentine or sapphire and Ruby on my presidium gem tester 2? Idk ? What it is but it’s hard has seemingly bacteria shaped long lines in the white...
  2. 🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Sapphire and diamonds arthritic wedding band. RETURNED!

    Debbie had been doing some work in her flower bed Monday (4/26). After working in her flower bed she was completely distraught to find out that she had lost her sapphire and diamond arthritic wedding band. Her husband contacted me Wednesday in the hopes that maybe I could locate the Lost ring...
  3. Help identifying tan rock black on inside

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Found this forum while doing research trying to identify these rocks. Hi All! These rocks are tan on the outside with black/dark blue/purple on the inside. Very heavy (what rock isn't lol). One is about 6 oz, one is 3 oz, and one is 1.1 oz. I live in east Tennessee, in...
  4. I Found Blue Sapphires in Pennsylvania!!!

    i haven't heard of anyone else finding Sapphires in Pennsylvania yet, so i am glad to announce that i have! i have 3 lots on my eBay store for sale from what i have found. (low grade sapphires, medium grade, high grade, all according to price) i found these in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area...

    My grandfather left me some gems because he knows I have been an avid prospector and treasure hunter. He gave me 32 rubies and a bunch of other stones. There are some topaz, mystical topaz, a couple diamonds, a sapphire and a couple that I don't even know! I was wondering what they are worth...
  6. Lets play Dowsing for Diamonds.

    Let's play Dowsing for Diamonds. I have found garnets in this area. I am looking for diamonds, rubies, sapphires or even peridot and diopside. I do expect there should be diamonds here and I have even heard reports of diamonds being found occasionally over the last decades. Any info is...