
  1. Snow selfie

    To conclude the TX snowstorm of ‘21. The rest of the week will be sunny and above freezing. About time!
  2. Monday morning

    South East Schertz TX. 8:20-24 am. 9°F Almost a foot maybe of snow? Country shots They say it hasn't snowed this much in SA since 1985. Just sharing more winter photos :camera: TFL :icon_thumright:
  3. Frozen rain

    Nor’easter has arrived in central Texas! Sleet and wind is pretty much all there is for now. They say there may be a small chance of snow in the latter of the week. Pics taken with my 6S 33°F at noon NNW winds at 14 mph Stay warm everyone:icon_thumright:
  4. Wishing you all a most-wonderful Christmas x

  5. Can pinpointer be used in snow without damaging it?

    Hey all, Eager to use my new pinpointer and detector. Here in interior Alaska we have an abundance of snow. Only places I could dig would be the tot lots filled with pea gravel as it would not be too frozen to dig. I have minelab profind 25. I know not to submerge it, but how about using it in...
  6. Elkhart County to South Bend

    Looking for hunters to start an informal group to hunt sledding hills after the blizzard snow melts.
  7. WW I & WW II Shells! And a head of a bomb!

    Gommy metal detecting Romania 3: