southwest missouri

  1. Looking for fellow detectorists southwest Missouri

    Hey ya'll, it's been ages since I've posted on here. I moved to southwest Missouri about 4 years ago and I still haven't dusted off the detectors and gone out hunting. I've been getting the bug lately and now that my son is older and starting to show interest in the hobby I'm hoping to link up...
  2. Beautiful multicolored arrowhead

    This beautiful rock was found by my wife in stone county missouri, I do believe it is a clovis and one of the best native arrowheads I have ever seen, this point is also one of the most colorful rocks I've ever seen it has red,orange,black,white,greyish bluish, tan and also sparkles at ya from a...
  3. Have a spot I need hunted in McDonald County Missouri

    I am not a hunter myself, but I have a spot I need hunted. I will let someone hunt on shares. I need someone experienced and with good equipment. It's a good spot, on a river in a place historically known to have an Indian village and European settlers. Recently, a basket full of corn was found...
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