tesoro vaquero

  1. Best Vaquero settings for deep silver

    I've been hitting older locations with hopes of picking up some deeper/old coins, but the deepest I'm hitting is about 5in max. I did air tests supertuned and I'm getting 7 inches on a quarter in disc and 12 in AM. Considering the sites are mildly trashy, I feel AM might not be the easiest...
  2. New coil or a pinpointer?

    Okay guys, here's my dilemma: I've been hunting with my vaquero with the stock 9x8 concentric coil for the past 6 months, mostly parks and yards. Now that I've got the hang of the machine, I'm ready to take the next step. Should I upgrade to the 11x8 widescan coil, or get a pinpointer? If you...
  3. Tesoro Vaquero snags a vintage gold ring with a garnet!

    I was trying out my new 5 3/4" coil on the vaquero in a trashy spot of a local park today. After pulling 2 junk rings and a bunch of can slaw, I got this. I intend to have it repaired!
  4. Video of me finding a 14k and diamond ring with my Tesoro Vaquero

    skip to about 8:05 to see the start of the gold dig :)
  5. 14k gold ring with real diamonds!

    I was out at alocal park/football field today and I got a nickle signal on the Tesoro Vaquero. I dug it up and found a cheesy looking, but real gold and diamond ring. I was pretty stoked :) it weighs 7.1 grams!
  6. 2 golds re-found!

    I found these to be gold today but I dug them up months ago. Now that I have an acid testing kit I'm testing my questionable junk jewelry. Today I found a pair of earrings to be 10k! They aren't marked so I never knew for sure. I found them both at a park about 4 feet away from each other. 2...
  7. I found another silver ring doing tot lots.

  8. Me finding a very small gold ring :)

  9. Childs gold ring found today!

    Child's gold ring found today! I was out at an old elementary school and I found a small gold ring today. I haven't hit gold in a few weeks so this was a welcome surprise! Here's a vid of the find: http://youtu.be/72ydRFVpfMI
  10. I found an illegal substance with my metal detector. Had to phone the police!

    The excitement starts at about 5:50 lol
  11. Me finding a vintage silver ring.

    The ring is the last find on the video.
  12. Vintage silver ring and academic award found at elementary school today :)

    Got a couple of keepers today :) :icon_thumleft: link to a video of the hunt: http://youtu.be/Fa_HJ7xB7yw
  13. A short hunt where I find a silver bracelet :)

    I hunt a middle school and find a silver bracelet. The bracelet is at the end of the video if you just wanna see me dig that.
  14. My first silver bracelet!

    I found a silver bracelet today at a middle school :hello2:. As with almost all of my finds since I got my head mounted camera, I caught the live dig on video. video of the hunt where I got it: http://youtu.be/JlBVWeuIYTU
  15. 14k star sapphire ring found today! 4th of July GOLD!

  16. 14k star sapphire ring found today! 4th of July GOLD!

    Great find for the 4th :occasion16: Not much to say but show the pics :) I also found the 18k gold electroplate ring today. video of the hunt where I found both: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG7hob7Rv5Q
  17. 3 minute video of me finding nice 1901 IH penny.

    This is me finding a great condition IH penny at a local park:
  18. Found a park with some relics! 1883 nickle!

    Went to a park in the middle of town and found relics! Never saw that coming. :occasion14: here's a link to the vid of the hunt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMB_WhuaXIs
  19. Me finding a 14k ring.

    I confuse the maker's mark EG with the gold electroplate hallmark GE and assume it's plated at first hehe.
  20. I found 14k gold :)

    It's beat to death but it's a 14k ring. I guess it's just more scrap for the end of the season. I also found some bling including a brass bracelet marked as 14k. :BangHead: Link to vid of this hunt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBBnV7NqqlQ
  21. latest finds.

    I've been filming my metal detecting hunts lately and haven't been on the forum as much. My best find recently is a sterling silver rosary and a few rings (not gold but still rings!) the best find, the silver rosary is found in the linked video, it was just under the wood chips in a tot...
  22. My mom and I detecting.

    My mom and I have been filming our hunts this year. I'm using the tesoro vaquero and he's using the coinmaster. Here are our vids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLq7HIXFHEw (mother's day hunt ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO4uZ7J7oS4 ( detecting behind someone leaving their junk near...