
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button - Eagle with 13 stars and no shield. Civil War?

    All, found this button on a site that has produced Civil War and later artifacts. It is a brass button with an Eagle facing right with a diameter of 19.2mm. The Eagle is clutching a shield and an arrow against a lined field. The button has two holes in the front however, and I have never seen...
  2. ✅ SOLVED Help Identifying Button - Confederate "Manuscript R" Rifleman's button

    This button is a brass, two piece type with the back having corroded away. It is 22.2 mm wide. It appears to feature a stylish “R” and was found in North Alabama on a site that was occupied by both Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. Any information on type, age, rarity...
  3. old horse bits

    Does anyone know if any of these bits are Civil War and if so, which army? Many Thanks. P.S. Pics are quite jumbled--I can do more if needed.

    60 bottles recovered from a permission at the battle of franklin. My girlfriend and I found a civil war era trash pit in the back field of a 1800s home while metal detecting for civil war relics. We were hot on the trail of bullets and other items when we were overloaded with iron tones. We...

    Civil war gun parts found on the historic battle field of Franklin Tennessee. My girlfriend and I dug these at a permission located on the front lines of the battlefield. We were bombarded with iron tones and decided to start digging. We started hitting sold charcoal and instantly knew we found...
  6. Civil war eagle button (artillery)

    Found a bucket lister today at an abandoned home site, located on the front lines of the battle of franklin! The home sits directly on the center line where the union and confederates met. It rang up a 65-75 ( The iron back made it sound scratchy/ undesirable) I wasn’t going to dig it, but I’m...
  7. New to Savannah, GA!

    Hi Everyone, My name is Nick, and I am currently Active Duty Air Force stationed in Jacksonville, FL. I will be PCSing to Savannah, Georgia in a couple of weeks and am looking to get involved with the relic-hunting community there. I have been swingin' an old White's Blue & Gray since I was...
  8. Union Navy button in Arkansas

    I was detecting a really old house that's situated between a couple of opposing civil war camps. I found this old Navy button in the front yard, and a buckle cover in the field across the road.
  9. Civil war hat pin? Insignia?

    I dug this pin looking relic from a civil war site in North Carolina and I have no idea what it is. Maybe it's civil war? I don't know. Anything helps! Thanks :)
  10. Civil War Foot Officers Sword

    Civil War Foot Officer's Sword Does anyone have any idea, as to the value of this sword?
  11. ✅ SOLVED Friction Primer Part???

    Okay, just how does a novice tell the difference between a piece of junk wire and a piece of wire off of a friction primer? I saw a post elsewhere and it got me thinking of a piece of wire I found over a year ago that I still have kicking around. I kept it because of what it was found near. I...