week in finds

  1. Weekly for Weaselbrott (7 boxes of halves, 1 boxes of dimes, and $800 cwr)

    I had a very disappointing week for halves indeed. Out of 7 boxes of halves and about 300 in [skunk] customer wrapped halves, I only got 2 90%ers, and 3 40%ers for the whole week. Some stampless and some 4-digit stamped string&son boxes. Out of 1 box of dimes and about $500 in customer wrapped...
  2. A week in finds

    A week in coin roll hunting finds (3 boxes of halves, 2 boxes of dimes, and mixed customer wrapped rolls). 2.46oz of .900 silver. A current melt value of $85.47 (as of 9/22/12). I will be heading to two new bank branches in the next town over and hope to score some CWRs today, then I am...