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  • well
    I can't help if you don't no the difference between detector as far as garret detectors go there on the bottom of the food chain with there out dated equipment fisher price make a more programmable detector than old man garret
    may be some day garret will catch up but I doubt it
    as far as the arm services may be garret will work for peanut to get ride of there detector
    why does mine lab commercial show them sweeping mine field and talk how well they perform detecting mines...tone audio roller over I.d. come on... isn't that a fancy name for iron grunt
    no I live in michigan the upper peninsula 10 miles from Michigan tech the collage the home of the Huskies hockey team but any time your here look me up will go digging
    Just saw that you lived in WA State also. We should team up this summer and see what we can find. I have a few others from WA also. I'll send a friend request.
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